Chapter 49

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It was finally Saturday and I'm finally getting to see Adnan! I haven't seen him in four days!! He spent Tuesday in Birmingham with his parents, Wednesday and Thursday in training and the gym and yesterday he was helping his mum with something.

I've noticed that everyone has been acting strange... They all seem really excited and I've asked them but they just gave weird answers. For example, when I asked Jasmine she said 'I'm excited to see Paddy. Paddy said he's excited to see Jasmine. Even my mum was excited! My dad was the only one who seemed nervous and even he wouldn't tell me, only thing he told me was 'you'll see soon'.

'Adnan😍💕👌: I'm stuck between chocolate fudge, mint choc chip and Ben & Jerry's cookie dough :('

'Me: Cookie dough!!'

'Adnan😍💕👌: thank you! Want anything else?'

'Me: Can you get a carton of orange juice and a bottle of coke please? I just checked and we're all out + I'm really craving orange juice'

'Adnan😍💕👌: Sure baby, I'll be there soon. Don't miss me too much😉'

'Me: I won't😉'

'Adnan😍💕👌: 😮'

'Me: I love youuuu'

'Adnan😍💕👌: I haven't seen you in three days and you don't miss me? 😮'

'Me: How dare you! 😱!!!! I miss you like crazy, my life hasn't been the same without you for the past three days!'

'Adnan😍💕👌: Aww Hanbear❤️ I've missed you more than you know, I can't wait to hold you in my arms again and feel those lips'

'Me: Better hurry up and get over here then😛'

Running to the kitchen, I picked up two spoons and two glasses so that I wouldn't have to fuss over them when Adnan arrived.

~ding dong~

I approached the front door and could feel the butterflies in the pit of my stomach. It may have been only four days but I've missed him so much!

I opened the door to reveal him smiling, his eyes not leaving me.
"Hey baby," he grinned.
"Hi," I blushed and wrapped my arms around his neck without warning, "I've missed you," I whispered into his neck.
He rubbed my back with one hand whilst the other gripped me tightly, "I've missed you too baby," he whispered into my hair.
We parted yet our foreheads remained in touch as I pulled him into the hallway and swung the door behind him.
As soon as the door shut he pressed his lips to mine; sending my whole body into a notion of tingles.
"God I've missed you," He spoke with our lips still lightly pressed together.
I smiled against his lips, "Ditto," I crashed my lips back to his.
"Here's your orange juice," He pulled a big carton of pure orange juice out of the bag.
"Thank youuu," I sang as he pulled a bottle of coke out and two pots of cookie dough ice-cream, "I love you you know that right?"
"I should sure hope so," He laughed, " and not only because I brought you ice-cream," He frowned.
I smiled at him and pulled him down next to me from his arm, "No, I love you because you're you, you're Adnan and you're my Adnan, I love the way you laugh, the way you smile and the way your eyes light up, it's the cutest thing I've ever seen. I love how you're so kind, thoughtful, helpful, supportive, caring, the way you are with your family and my family. I love how you never give up, if you get criticised or knocked down you get straight back up and try harder and I love how you're still around despite all of my bullshit," I giggled, "Are you blushing?" I gasped and broke out laughing.
"That was adorable Han," The colour of his cheeks were a light pink.
"It's all true babe," I gave him a grin.
"I love you," His lips met the tip of my nose.
"I love you too," I smiled back.
The afternoon was spent lazing around on the sofa, eating both tubs of Ben&Jerry's cookie dough ice-cream, drinking coke and catching up on 'The Flash'.


"Anything planned for tomorrow?" Adnan asked.
I smiled, remembering my plans with Ariana, "Outings with Ari," I giggled.
"What are you doing?" He was playing with my hair; pulling them around his finger and then letting the curl go.
"I don't know, she said she'll let me know tomorrow."
"Are you excited?" I ran my fingers through his hair, pulling at the tips as my hand lifted up.
"Yeah," I grinned across at him.
"Good babe, go and have fun. Do you need any money?"
I shook my head, "Nope, I've got it sorted don't worry," I smiled over at him.
"Okay babe," leaning over he kissed my forehead.
"What do you wanna eat?"
"Pizza?" It came out as a question, he wanted to see if I wanted pizza too.
"Sounds good," I grinned.
"I'll go and order it," He got up to go and retrieve his iPhone from his jacket which was hung up on the rack in the hallway.

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