Chapter 18

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The rest of the day was spent watching movies and ordering pizza.
Luke left at 4pm to go to work, leaving Gani, Ahmed, Adnan and I to finish off watching FastFive.

Adnan's arm was currently around me as we watched Rush Hour 2, "How are you feeling?" he whispered into my neck.
"Still really sick but I was starving so the pizza had to be eaten," I giggled.
"You fat monster," He stuck his tongue out and licked my left cheek.
"Adnan!" I groaned as it came out in a whiper "Sorry but this fat monster is not allowed to be licked," I pointed to myself.
"You're not fat baby," He kissed my cheek.
I rolled my eyes "The mirror tells me otherwise."
"We'll pretend I'm your mirror. You're skinny. Perfect the way you are," he nibbled on my ear.
"Thankssssss," I dragged on the end.

There were no more conversations until the movie finished.

"Will you kids be okay?" Gani asked.
"We'll be fine Gani and thank you for coming over today and looking after Hannah," Ahmed thanked her.
"It was my pleasure, let me know when you need me," she hugged him "Make sure you look after Hannah," she hugged me goodbye.
"I have no other option," he laughed, receiving a punch in the arm from me.
Adnan laughed "I'll be back in a bit babe," he pecked my lips before leaving to take his mum home.

"Ahmed..." I began.
He turned around to show me that he's listening.
"Was it really that bad?"
"Was what?"
"Everything that I did?"
"You did nothing wrong Hannah!" Ahmed came over to hug me "you have done nothing wrong at all."
"He's ashamed to call me his daughter, does my dad really hate me that much?" My eyes dropped.
"I don't know what goes on in his head Hannah but his children are not thought of up there, he has this idea of how we have to be perfect, do you know how hard it is to do that when no one is perfect, it's impossible and a damn right struggle to live with and he doesn't hate you, he's just angry and I'm not sure if it's more at himself or more at the fact that we aren't what he wanted us to be but I know he doesn't hate you," he breathed.
"I'm fine with you anyway," I held up my pinky finger to him which he took.
"Good because I'm the only one who can clearly look after you properly. I won't hurt you and I certainly won't leave you alone for who knows how long Saeed has gone," anger rose in his voice.
"I know you're mad at Saeed Akhi but he wasn't thinking properly, I mean I'm mad at him too but go easy on him," I looked my brother in the eye.
"Just because he wasn't thinking properly didn't mean he had to leave us," He stated.
I agree with him there.

I helped him tidy the room up, throwing away the empty pizza boxes and coke bottles.
He was currently making himself coffee whilst I grabbed a bottle of water from the draw as the doorbell rang.
"I got it," I informed Ahmed as I made my way out of the kitchen.
I looked through the peephole to see Adnan standing there.
"Who is it?" I called. I just wanted to mess around.
"Adnan..." He said like I was stupid.
"Do you have pizza?"
"You just ate pizza," he laughed.
"Then you're not allowed in."
He chuckled "Is that so babe?"
"Yes, come back when you have pizza," I was now grinning behind the door.
"You'd rather pizza than let your poor boyfriend in from the cold?"
"Hmmm that's a tricky one," I tried to hold in the giggle.
"Let the poor guy in Han, it's freezing out there," Ahmed called from behind, laughing at the current situation.
"Fine," I sighed before the giggle came out and turned the latch to let him in and the first thing he did was grab me from my waist.
"Two can play at that game," he winked.
"But you're inside now," I laughed.
"I know," he leaned in to kiss me but our lips never met "no kisses for you," he stuck his tongue out.
"No fair," I whined.
"Told you two can play this game," he smirked.
"But I'll die without your kisses," I said dramatically.
"Don't die because I won't have anyone to love," he pouted.
"Then kisssss me," I dragged the word and leaned into him.
"Sorry," he kissed my forehead.
"Adnan!! You're such a tease!" I whined.
"Let's see if you can last until the morning without a kiss," he pulled me up the stairs behind him.
"That's torture!" I groaned.
"That's what happens when you pick pizza over me," he stuck his tongue back out.
"I'll always pick you over pizza," I jumped into his arms.
"No kisses babe," he chuckled.
"Fine, I can last until the morning," i reassured myself.

I got changed into white pyjama shorts and a baby blue vest. Whereas Adnan just stripped until he was in his boxers.
"I can't kiss you until the morning yet you are naked in my bed," I pointed at him.
"Sorry babe," he smirked.
"Torture I tell you."
"I love youuuu," he sang.
"Save it mister," I put my hand up to him and got into bed, he just laughed.
"It isn't exactly easy from my side, you look so hot in your pyjamas," he complained.
"You said no kissing," I put my fingers over his lip.
"I take it back," he moved forward, causing me to push him back.
"Sorry baby but no can do," I stuck my tongue out.
"Complete torture," he groaned, making me laugh.
"Night babe," I said.
"Night baby," he wrapped his arm around me and cuddled into me.

A while later I heard him mutter to himself "this is going to be one long night". I held my giggle in because he thought I was asleep.

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