Chapter 22

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I haven't yet told Adnan about the whole Tom situation.

We were all currently sat in the front room watching a documentary on Cristiano Ronaldo.
"How was the match?" I whispered to Adnan.
"It was okay," he admitted.
"It'll be better next time I promise," I leaned up to kiss him.
"I love how you're always so positive," he bent down to return the kiss.
"Someone has to be," I smiled at him.
"It's okay to not be sometimes," he smiled back.
"Tom's back," it just came out.
By now we were in a full conversation and everyone else seemed to be engaged in a conversation too.
"That's your ex right?" He checked, I nodded.
"Double checking I forgot his name," he said.
"I bumped into him today," I said quietly.
"Did he say anything to you?"
"Ahmed and I were walking back through the fields to go home and we were messing around and pushing each other and he accidentally pushed me into him but neither of us realised who he was because I was too busy glaring at Ahmed and Ahmed didn't realise until he said my name.." I trailed off. "Ahmed dragged me off but he said he wanted to talk to me, Ahmed said no for me but I also said no, I was just shocked that I saw him again," I told him truthfully.
"I won't let him come near you okay? I'm not having him come here near you, I will keep you safe," he kissed my forehead.
"I love you and I never doubted you over that picture although it did upset me a bit and got me jealous but I knew you wouldn't have," I told him.
"I'm so glad you trust me," he breathed "otherwise I wouldn't want to see how that ended because I don't know what to do without you," he said "I can't even remember my life before you."
"You make me forget all the bad and make me actually enjoy the good," I admitted.
"I love you babe," he crashed his lips to mine.

"I'm sorry Hannah," Saeed came and sat next to Adnan.
"It's fine honestly," I responded.
"It's not. I'm not going away again," he said.
"Saeed it's fine, go if you have too."
"That's the thing I don't have to go, I thought I needed to leave but I don't. My family is here, what have I got over in Spain? It's only good for a holiday if there's no family over there," he explained.
"Thank you," I leaned up from Adnan's lap to hug my brother.
"No, thank you," he kissed my forehead "and thank you Adnan for looking after my sister," he thanked him.

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