Chapter 1: Silent Nights

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Disclaimer: This story does not follow the original storyline. Age will be slightly different. Y/n is 18 and in her 6th year at Hogwarts. There will be an age gap. Students will finish school around age 19 in 7th year.

As i walk through the halls of Hogwarts, its dark and very silent. I look around admiring all the extraordinary details on every wall. The architecture was just exquisite. This truly is a work of art! I notice a balcony hidden behind a stone wall.

Looks like I've found my new hiding spot.

As I sit reading my potions book, i hear close but quiet footsteps approaching me. I turn to see who might be up at a time like this, only to be face to face with Professor Snape.

"What are you doing outside your dormitory at a time like this... I could have you expelled."

"Oh.. um. I couldn't sleep sir, so I slipped out to study." I said nervously as he stares straight into my soul.

"Sir? Am I your father, no. I'm your Professor. You shall address me as Professor." He says with anger in his voice.

"Y-yes Professor. I'm sorry I didn't mean to-" he cut me off mid plead. "I dont care about what you have to say. Don't let It Happen Again." He says sharply.

I quickly get up and make my way back to my dorm. The walk back was peaceful enough after my encounter with the Potions Master. I can see why people are afraid of him. But odly, I am not. Does he intimidate me? Yes. Am I scared of him? No.

I finally make way down to the dungeon and through the common room, then to my bed. I fall back onto the cushiony surface and grab out my Potions book again to do further revising. Extra study never killed anyone. Although my friends get mad when I study all the time, leaving me with less time to hang out.

As I lay in bed my mind wonders around. The way Severus' voice was so mellow yet stern. He has a particular way with words that I just cant grasp my head around. Then the image of him appears, his shiny raven black hair. God, why am I having these thoughts? He is my Professor for Merlin's sake. Nothing about the man is charming. Well, other then his raspy voice that could melt butter.. And his thick hands. Why the hands though? Not to mention his beautiful hair. Most people dream about having hair that nice. His absolute inability to deal with stupidity and annoyance, I find it sexy. The way he sweeps across the floor with his long cape that looks to be 2 sizes to big.


For hours I'm completely unable to focus on anything but him. I try to push him out as hard as I possibly could but it was merely impossible. My feelings for the Professor have only grown in the years I have been here. At first he was the grumpy Potions Master that knows nothing of respect and happiness. Now he is unexplainable. Their is so much to him, but at the same time I know nothing about him. The most I know is his name, his appearance and his age. Well, and his role at the school.

Hoping no one was awake, I slip back out of the Dorm to head towards the Bathroom. Luckily their was no one in sight. I do my business then wash my hands. Something told me to stay in the bathroom so I did. I waited for a little bit unsure why I got that feeling. Before I could even wonder more i could hear rustling in the hallway. Whoever it was they made sure to be really quiet.

I peek my head out of the bathroom to see non other then Severus Snape pinning Harry onto the wall. It was hard to make out what they were talking about, but I picked up on some.

"How dare you take from my personal collection, Potter?" Severus hissed at Harry as his wand met his chin.
"I wasn't sir...I... I promise."

" me, Potter. I know you took something, now confess."
Harry tried to squirm away from him but was unsuccessful.

"Detention after class tomorrow. Don't be late." Without warning Severus let go of Harry, causing him to fall onto the cold hard floor as he rushed back down the hallway.

"Harry, are you okay?" I call out as I quietly creep towards him. He jumps up to his feet brushing himself off.
"I'm fine.."

"Are you sure Harry? I-" he cut me off before I could finish.
"I said I'm fine. Now run along. I just want to be alone right now." I nod and slowly make my way back to the dungeon.

When I'm in my room again, I plop back onto my bed and curl into my covers. They were not very comfortable but I'm not complaining. Sleep came surprisingly fast. The dream that followed however, not so great.


"You dare disrespect me in my own Classroom, Miss Y/l/n.." Professor Snape said as his hand clasped onto the hem of my robes.

"N-no Sir.. I wasnt- I'm not trying." I tried to explain But I was cut off.

"Detention after school. I'll have those little hands blistered and sore. Maybe that will teach you a lesson." He spoke coldly.

"Yes Professor Snape." I spoke, my voice trembling.

"Get... Out... Now." He hissed before letting go of my robe causing me to fall to the floor.

I looked back at the Potions Master. He was staring at me, almost like he wanted to tell me something else but refrained from doing so.

"I'm sorry" I said under my breath as I grabbed my bag to head out.

"What was that?" He rose from his seat, striding my way.

"Nothing Professor. I'll just leave." I tried to leave, but he quickly grabbed me and pinned my back to the cold stone wall.

"Use your words Miss Y/l/n.."

"I said I was sorry."

He stopped, looking down into my eyes as if he was looking for something. Then he suddenly snapped back and let me go once again. My whole body was shaking, I felt as though my legs would give out. Before anything further could happen I quickly rushed out of the door and ran down the hall to my bed.


I shot up in my bed, panting from the dream I had just had. Glancing around the room i noticed everyone still asleep. Good..

I layed back down in bed and tried to fall back to sleep. It wasn't easy, but after a long while of listening to the snoring students around me, and the occasional wind hitting the window I passed out.

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