Chapter 34: Nightmares and Flashbacks

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I had arrived home early that monday morning. The past weekend at my grandparents house had been relaxing.
We had enjoyed none stop laughter, and multiple mugs of Cocoa.

I walked up to the front door, immediately greeted by the loud yelling of my father. Stopping in my tracks, I leaned me head to the wood and listened closely.

"How dare you speak to me that way! I am the head of this house.... I expect nothing but RESPECT from you and that child" I heard my father yell from behind the door.

"That child is our daughter..... And dont you dare bring her into this, she has done nothing to you."

"Nothing. NOTHING!!!! She is a disgrace to this family. That child is nothing more then a mistake."

"She is no mistake. Marrying YOU was the mistake. I should have never said yes."

"Oh is that right now? I'm the mistake. And what about you, hm? You think your sooo bloody perfect. If you divorced me do you really think any other man would truely want you and that thing? No... no.. Dont you see darling, you are undesirable. Undeserving of another man's love and affection."

I could hear my mother begin to sob from behind the door.

"Oh quite your crying."


The door swung open and I was now face to face with my father. My eyes widened in terror for what was about to happen. Before I could back away, he firmly grabbed my wrist and threw me into the house before slamming the door shut behind him.

"You....." he hissed. "Have you been eavesdropping this whole time. I should have known."

Then suddenly, he slapped me hard across my face. I reacted fast and flew my hand to the spot his hand had just struck. Tears began to pool from my eyes as my mother cried out.

"LEAVE HER ALONE." Mother shouted. But before she could do anything further, my father used the Cruciatus curse on her causing her to scream out in pain.

He turned to me, allowing his hands to once again strike me hard over and over again.


I was suddenly awoken from the feeling of someone shaking me awake. My eyes were burning with tears and my body was trembling.

"Y/n! Wake up please.." Zoe said, attempting to pull me from my nightmare.

I shot up from my bed, looking frantically around the room. My eyes quickly met Zoes, tears had appeared in her own eyes.

"Y/n are you okay? You were yelling in your sleep." She said, voice shaky.

"I.....I...... I dont know." I said, still shaken up from ths dream.

Taking in my surroundings once more I realized I was safe - in my bed at Hogwarts with my best friend sitting in front of me. Then my mind went to Severus. How he had told me he could help with these flashbacks. But when? How?

It had been a while since I've had one of these flashbacks, and to be honest i didn't miss them in the slightest. Yes these past few weeks have been hell, but nothing compared to the trauma that often revisits me.

"I need to speak to Severus... he can help.." I said to her, still in a dizzy state of mind.

"How about you do that later. I think you should eat first." She said looking down at her watch. "And it's just about breakfast time, get changed okay?" I nodded in response and slowly stood up.

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