Chapter 4: Detention

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I make my way to Professor Snapes classroom, the hallways are nearly empty. I think to myself, that's odd. Until I remember it is rather late. Everyone is probably out having fun, or studying. But of course, i had to get myself in bloody detention.

As I walk through the doorway, I see Snape looking at all the books on his shelves. He must have heard me come in because his attention is quickly shifted to me.

"Miss Y/l/n. Today I would like you to put all my books back were they belong. If you need me, I will be at my desk."

He says before walking to his desk and picking up his quill to begine grading papers.

"Yes Professor." I begin to organize all the books in alphabetical order. I looked over a few times to see Snape completely focused on the papers in front of him. That is, until I needed his help.

"Pr-professor. May I have your help for a quick second?"
He sighs before slamming his quill down and getting up to make his way over to me.

"What do you need help with?" He asks with a irritated tone in his voice.
"I cant reach those books, do you think you can grab them for me?"

He hesitates before reaching up to grab the books.

"Their. Anything else you need my assistance for?"

"No sir. I mean Professor." He chuckles as he makes his way back to his desk. Did he just chuckle? I have never heard him do that. I quickly snapped my attention back to the task.

Snape's POV

Must everyone always require my assistance I think to myself as I watch the young one dust off the shelves. I look down at my dest and see the ungraded papers in front of me. I pick up my quill and finish off the last few papers. My attention is shifted back to the girl. I carefully examine how thoroughly she is organizing everything. Before realizing she looked over at me and our eyes caught eachother.

"Professor, could you help me put the books back?"
Without realizing I roll my eyes as I get up from my oak chair.

"I cant have any time to myself without you worms enquiring my assistance." She doesn't say much, but I can tell by her sudden shift in emotions something I have said triggered her.

"I'm s-orry Professor." Have I really upset her? I sow my eyebrows together observing her and her new expression.

"No apology needed. I shouldn't have said that to you." She smiles as she looks me in the eyes.

"You were only speaking the truth. And anyways if I wasn't so clumsy I wouldn't even be here right now." Her sudden burst of kindness and respect threw me back. How could she be so nice after I was so cruel to her? Have I always been this way?

Your POV

It's very different seeing Professor Snape actually being kind. Seeing this side of him was definitely new, he has never apologized to a single student in the entirety I have been here. I am quickly pulled from my thoughts when I accadentally drop a book on my head. Snape looked down at me almost with a look of disappointment but quickly shifts it to one of sympathy.

"Are you alright?" He asks very hesitantly. I nod before picking up the book and attempting to put it back on the shelve. Once he helped me he went back to his desk to continue. I stand back admiring the work I had done. Everything was in alphabetical order. Exactly how I like it.

"Professor, I have finished my task."
He gets up and observes the bookcase with a look of shock on his face.

"Wow, I must say I am very impressed. No one has ever done this well of a job before." I see a slight smile come across his face as he finishes his response.

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