Chapter 42: Fun With The Elfs

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As summer approched, so did everything else. The reality of everyone, including myself having to leave had began to set in. Not much planning had happened due to the sole fact that I had no where to go. My family was gone, my friends all had plans of their own and Severus would be spending his summer here at Hogwarts. That left minimal places for me to go for the summer. Severus had suggested I stay at his house in Spinner's End, but that to me seemed a bit absurd. He would be occupied with paperwork for the upcoming year and the last thing I want is to be a distraction.

At this time, there is still a good two weeks of school left before summer, which gives me plenty of time to plan and make arrangements. Whatever they may be, I will make the most out of this summer. Pack it full of great memories and loads of fun.

I woke up this morning early, almost 5 hours early. Everyone else was still fast asleep leaving me the only one awake. I turned from my side to my back, looking up at the wood above my bed. A big smile crossed over my face as I recalled all the great memories from the past week. Us playing games last night, our time out in town. My time alone with Severus. Life was begining to go back to normal. I was back to my happy, energetic self and could not be more happy about it.

After laying in bed for a little I decided to get up and go to the common room to read a bit. A faint whistle echoed through the dungeon as rain and wind hit the school. It was peaceful and relaxing making for good ambience while reading. The whole atmosphere was like out of a book. The darkly lit room brightened by the fire. A book in my hand while rain fell from the sky. Sorta like a fairytale. But the happiest part was the fact that is was real. This is the life that I get to live.

Once I finished the chapter I was on I decided to take a small trip to the kitchen. I had always wondered what the elfs did in there private time. Not to mention the sudden craving I had for sweets. When I opened the door to the kitchen, house elf's were crowded around the short counters, all with mixing bowls and spatulas in hand. One in particular looked up at me with wide eyes and bouncy, batter covered ears.

"Oh no, students should not be out at a time like this, oh no. Student should be in bed." The elf said to me. I giggled.

"And what's your name?" I said, but the elf looked alarmed.

"I is Dobby. Dobby the elf. And Dobby think student should go back to bed before any truble." He says.

"Well, Dobby. I was hoping you could help me make some brownies? Or cookies even?" I asked the elf. The others around us dropped their spatulas and stared.

"Uh.. Dobby does not think that-"

"Oh come on Dobby. Wouldn't you all like to have a bit of a break? Some fun maybe?" I asked them. They all looked from one elf to another before all eyes fell on me once more.

"Fun? Dobby never gets to have fun."

Taking that as a yes I smiled and proceeded to walk around the kitchen, grabbing all the ingredients that went into brownies. The rest of the elfs stared and watched as I bounced around before placing all the ingredients on a table.

"Would you all like to help?" I asked them, but most shook their heads and walked away to finish what they were preparing. That left just Dobby and I.

"So Dobby. Do you know how to make these?" I asked him.

"Yes. Brownies are easy. My old master requested them quite often for his son." He said as he poured some flour into a bowl.

"If you don't mind me asking, who was your old master?"

"Dobby served Master Malfoy and his family miss. Was up until Dobby was given clothes. Now, Dobby is a free elf." He said with a big smile.

"Well, I'm glad your happy. The Malfoys definitely are something, hm?"

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