Chapter 21: Past Revealed

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Their will be explicit violence. and heavy talk of abuse and sexual harassment in this chapter so if you are triggered easily please be mindful or perhaps dont read.

A few hours had passed by as Severus as I sat and chatted before he finally brought it up. I was attempting to avoid the topic as long as I could, deep down however I knew It needed to be spoken about.

"Y/n, if you don't want to talk about it I am not going to pressure you. Know that I am here for you always and that I care for you deeply."
His kind words created soft tears in my eyes. I finally have someone that makes me feel safe and wanted. Something I haven't felt in a very long time.

I took in a deep breath before letting it out with a sigh. Severus could tell I was nervous as I gulped down the rest of my whiskey. He grabbed my glass, disappearing into the kitchen before returning with a new, full glass. I smiled as I took the glass into my hand and shifted uncomfortably.

"Their is something you need to know Severus. I haven't been entirely truthful to you or everyone else."
He looked at me worriedly as I spoke truthfully.
"Anything you tell me will stay between the two of us, you can trust me dear." He said placing his hand on my thigh to comfort me.

"My father was not the best man in the world. He knew how to manipulate people into seeing what he wanted them to see. And I, well. I kept up his act as he wished. Their are two sides to every story. What you see, and what is real." It took everything in me to choke back the tears as I opend up to him.
"Since I was just a little thing my father always had a drinking problem. He would go out, get hammered then come home. He also had major anger problems."

Severus set down his glass and looked at me giving me his full attention. He had no idea the pain I was about to lay before him. No one knew, not even my family.

"When I was about 4, my mum went on a business trip to America, leaving me alone with my father for a week. From the moment she left everything went downhill and it was like that from then on. I came home from my friends one evening to him on the couch drunk. When I asked if I could have some food he lost his temper and threw his glass at me, cutting my forhead. I tired to get away as quick as possible but." I began to loose control as the memories were just to much, sobbing frantically..

"He.. grabbed me and pinned me onto the wall, choking me. I thought I was going to die Severus... After that I didn't think things could get any worse, I was wrong.... For months, after school he would beat me up, abuse me. He even put a lock on my door so I couldn't get out. My only way of food when mother wasn't home was through a cut out hole in my door. She knew about it but couldn't so anything as she was to scared of him. He took all his anger out on me every single day." I paused for a moment debating on if I should say the next part or not. It would absolutely destroy Severus if I told him this.
But I told him I would tell him everything.

"Once I turned 9, things only got worse. My mother wound up pregnant and father did not like it. He constantly yelled at her to get rid of it but she couldn't. I mean, it's her baby. It was my sibling. She wound up having a miscarriage nearly 2 month in. She blamed herself for allowing him to abuse her and kick her around as he did. Once that happens he kicked her out of the house leaving only me and him from then on. I was absolutely mortified. The thought of what he would do to me, what he was capable of doing was nearly enough to make me wish I wasn't alive. It was 2 weeks after that, he..... he.." I broke down again unable to speak. Severus quickly wrapped me in his arms and whispered in my ear to calm me down.

"Sh shhhh. It's okay I'm here. Your safe." He said as I erupted in his arms. He started crying with me at the sight of my emotional mess. I stayed in his arms, but once I got the courage to speak again I finished wishing nothing more then to just get it over with.

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