Chapter 39: Happy Days

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A week had gone by since my grandmother's funeral. Two since New Years. Life had gone back to normal, well as normal as it can be. Most day I occupied myself with the loads of homework I had to make up from my absence. Although it was difficult, I had Hermione and Zoe to help me out.

Most nights I spent in my own bed, and Severus in his Chamber. We had barely spoken this past week, not from lack of wanting, but because of how bussy the both of us were. Severus was still planning his classes for the rest of the school year. I bet he probably would have been done by now If all this hasn't happened.

For the most part, my nightmares have eased up. There was one night a few days after New Years that I had one, luckily I was with Severus when it happend. He held me close, comforting me back to reality.

Today I woke up earlier then normal. Everyone was still sleeping soundly in their beds, so I took that as an opportunity to dive into my books. I quietly got dressed, grabbed my bag and set off to the corridors. The halls were quiet, all the paintings were sleeping, loud snores coming from some. I dropped my bag onto the floor and slid down the wall with a sigh before digging through my bag for my study books. I grabbed my wand from my robe and mummered "Lumos"

I was just begining to scratch my quill on the papers when one of the paintings stirred awake. Grunting in annoyance from the light.

"Turn that thing off, would you? Were trying to sleep" the old man hissed from within the painting.

In an instant, I put out the light. Iritated, I grabbed my bag and headed off down the opposite direction of where I was to find a different study location. It was still dark, the only light source being some dimly lit lamps on the walls. After a few more minutes, I approached the balcony I used to study on every night. I smiled at the memory of Severus first finding me here. Hissing at me to get back to my dormitory. Although it wasn't a pleasant encounter, I enjoy every memory with him. Good or bad.

I sat on the rail of the balcony and grabbed my study book out again. The light from the moon was enough to illuminate my book so there was no need for my wand.

I flipped through the pages, Filling in all the answers and attempting the ones I didnt know. It felt great to be doing work again, occupying myself with something that isn't funerals or arguments. I was doing something worth while. The only saving grace with everything that's happend was that Professor Mcgonagall had told me my grades would not falter, but that I can catch up and continue holding my grades high.

After a long while of flipping through pages and the noise of my quill scratching on the paper, I had finally finished that assignment. I tucked it back into my bag before sitting upright and looking out into the open emptiness.

The sky was beautiful. Stars filled the horizon accompanied by small fluffy white clouds. The slight breeze pushed the trees to sway side to side. The water, although mostly still, had a few ruffles in it. Everything was relaxing. A true breath of fresh air.

After taking in my surroundings, I let out a sigh before grabbing a different study book and starting on that. This one was much harder then the last, but I pushed through and after some time completed it.

By now, the sun was beginning to rise. Soon the corridors will be filled with loud voices and laughter.

That time came sooner then expected. Although it wasn't multiple people, it was just one set of footsteps walking rather fast towards me.

"Miss Y/n... What did I tell you about sitting on railings. The last time you were-" Professor Mcgonagall began to say before I cut her off.

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