Chapter 14: Message Well Received

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It's been a few day's since I was released from the hospital. Severus was absolutely amazing. Every night he made me dinner, and massaged my body. Today, I return to class. I am far behind in everything, but Zoe has agreed to help me catch up.
As I'm walking the halls, this fine morning, I'm greeted with Hermione.

"Hey y/n, are you feeling bette" she says, walking beside me.

"Yes, actually I am. Dumbledore told me I could presume school, and all my other activities now." She smiles and gives me a big hug. "That's wonderful news!"

We make our way to the dinning hall. Walking in, I look up to see all the Professors at their table. I spot Severus, he sends a warm and welcoming smile my way. Hermione notices and looks at him, then back at me.

"Okay, that was weird. What's gotten into him" I act as if I am clueless, not ready to expose our secret. "I haven't a clue, he has been in a rather good mood recently." I say, knowing damn well that's a lie.

Approaching my table, I sit next to Zoe. She is in a bad mood.

"Hey Zoe, what's wrong?" She wipes a tear from her face. "Oh, nothing.. Just stupid boys".

I wrap my arm around her in attempt to comfort her as Draco walks behind me. He quickly tenses up before hurrying along with his rats. "What was that about" I ask zoe. "Oh, uh... nothing. Draco is a weird one." She says, but I know she is hiding something along with everyone else. But I decide to ignore it.

"Very well then, I'm starving"
Dumbledore stands up to present a speech.

"May I have your attention please. As you all know, something happend at the ball. I have waited to discuss this topic until miss y/l/n could join us. Now, I stated the rules quite clearly to ALL before the trip took place. Most of you listened, some of you didn't" he says glancing at Draco. " I will not be going into details about the event that took place, however, I did say their would be consequences."

I lay my head on my hand, sighing with embarrassment.

"To start off, Mr Draco Malfoy. Please, step forward."

Everyone gasps as he slowly got up, and made his way to the front of the room.

"I'm sure you have had time to think about your actions, hm?"
Dumbledore asked him.
"Y-yes Headmaster"
"Good, now. The result of your reactions, as expected, do not only impact you but your whole house.
100 points from Slytherin."
Everyone from Slytherin huffed as he finishes.

"You however, are to go home immediately. And are not to return until next year, if you can prove yourself worthy of attending again.
You may go pack your belongings, someone will be waiting at the front gate." He finished, waving Draco off.

"Now, y/n please, make your way to the front."

I take a deep breath, getting up and heading to stand were Draco stood.

"You, child, are one remarkable student. A true fighter."
I glare up at him.

"Headmaster, please. Am I in trouble?"
He laughs out loud.

"Heavens no. I know you are unaware of what happend, and their is reasoning for that. You are lucky to be here right now. You saved Zoe, y/n, and because of your bravery, and loyalty to the people around you, I grant you 200 points."
Everyone around sighs, clapping.

"Now, please take your seat so we can enjoy this magnificent meal."
I look over to see Severus slowly clapping with the croud.

Taking my seat, I'm greeted with alot of high fives. Zoe, however jumped up and gave he a hug.

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