Chapter 23: Happy Birthday part 2

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We walked out of the restaurant laughing at jokes. I couldn't ask for anything better at this moment. My professors, best friend and the love of my life, all laughing and having a great time. Severus held my hand as we all walked down the walkway and enjoyed eachothers company. Soon enough it was reaching 4pm, the time to be back at the busses. We continue on like this for quite some time when I catch a glimpse of someone familiar out of the corner of my eye. I quickly turned back to see who it was only to see him.

Draco Malfoy.

I started freaking out internally at the sight of him, Severus quickly caught on as he could feel my energy shift and turned around to see what I was looking at. Once he to seen who it was he grabbed my arm and held onto me tightly for protection as we continued walking straight.

"Ah. Look who it is. The girl who ruined my year." Draco yelled out to us causing all of us to turn around.
"You think you can just walk around like nothing happend eh? Well mark my word. You will PAY for what you did to me."

"That's enough." Dumbledore said holding his hand out. But that didn't stop Draco. Severus had pulled me behind him to shield me from any harm, Zoe standing next to me holding my hand.

"Oh. It makes so much sence now, why I was kicked out. Looks like someones pegging a teacher. You really are..." Draco sneered as he walked closer.
Getting frustrated I yell out to him
"I really am what?" He laughed and shook hes head inching closer to us, now only feet away.

"A whore." He said. Severus tended up and started walking closer to Draco in a very Pissed off way.

"If you say so much as one more word to her, I MYSELF will inflict more pain in your life then imaginable you filthy rat." Severus hissed at Draco as he towered over him.

"Like what? Your not my Professor anymore. If you lay your hand on me I will send you straight to Azkaban." Draco said squaring up to the Potions Master. Severus was anything but intimidated. He was furious, trying everything in his power to keep himself from hurting Draco. Suddenly, Draco pushed Severus out of his way and strutted my way.

"I should have known a filthy half blood would do something like this. Go out of your way to protect yourself. Even going as far as to fuck your own Teacher. You are filthy, disgusting. A disgrace to this world. You were a mistake from the begining." He hissed as he walked closer and closer, Professor Mcgonagall now standing in front of me and Dumbledore walking towards Draco to stop him.

"THATS ENOUGH." Dumbledore yelled at Draco, stopping him in his tracks. A loud door slammed and an angry Lucius Malfoy walked towards all of us.

"What is going on here." He hissed, looking at Severus then at all of us.
"Father, these people are harassing me." Draco pleaded lying through his teeth.
"What, that is not what happend at all." Zoe yelled out but was silenced by Professor Mcgonagall. Severus met my side again as Dumbledore explained the situation.

"Your son was harassing my student. The same student that led to his expulsion." Dumbledore said furiously.

"Is that true Draco?" Lucius asked draco wanting answers.

"NO!" Draco lied again. Lucius got closer to Draco now towering over him.
"The truth, now." He said causing Draco to tremble. Lucius truly was a scary person, especially when he was angry.

"Y..yes... Father, it is." Draco finally admitted defeat. Lucius scrunched his nose and told him to leave this instant as he walked towards us to get the truth.

"What did he do." He asked more politely this time.

"Your son called Y/N inexcusable words, Lucius, if I were you I would teach that ungrateful prick manners." Severus hissed at Lucius before Dumbledore cut in.

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