Chapter 33: After Party Fun

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Hours had gone by, it was now almost 2am and the party was still going full force. Most if not all students were now dancing, slightly intoxicated by what could have only been smuggled in alcohol. For the first time in a while, their was no set bedtime for 6th and 7th year students, although it's to be assumed the Professors would prefer the party wrapped up sooner, rather then later. Professor Mcgonagall was already looking beat and worn out from the excitement that was this night.

"Y/n, wont you come to the floor and dance with me and Mini?" Asked Zoe. She too was heavily intoxicated, her breath strong with Vodka.

"Um, well I don't know." I replied, not really wanting to leave Severus' side. He squeezed my hand tightly, leaning to my ear to whisper - "go have fun dear, it's a New Year afterall."

I looked up into his eyes, beaming with happiness. Might as well go enjoy my time while I can.

And with that, I set off to the dance floor, Zoe pulling me behind her hastily.
Once we approached the center, we were instantly greeted by Harry, Mini, Ron and of course, Luna.

"Lovely of you to join us Y/n. The fairies seem to like you." Said Luna, looking off into the space above my head. I looked up slowly - seeing nothing. I looked back at her and smiled before Zoe bumped into me.

"Woopsie... Didn't mean to bump ya Y/n." She said, giggling from the alcohol.

"Let's party already." Said Ron, taking me completely by surprise.

Ron never really was one for having much fun, or getting up to trouble. He would rather sit back and stay happy in his room, out of harm's way then take a few risks. I don't blame him. I'm not the biggest fan of getting into trouble myself. Yes, I've made a few mistakes here and there, let my curiosity become the better of me. But that's all in the past. It's been years since I've done anything of the sorts.

Zoe began grinding into Hermione, Minis hands on her waist guiding her with her counter movements. This however did not surprise me in the least bit. Hermione loves fun.

The music began to speed up, everyone jumping around like animals in heat as the excitement grew. I was dancing around like I had never done before, allowing my body to take control of me completely. By this point I had lost track of time. It was only once I noticed Dumbledore leave that I realized I should probably find Severus.

That however didn't take long. As I slowed my dancing I noticed the tall, dark man leaning on a wall opposite to where I was - watching me closely. I watched as his eyes flicked from my face, down my body.

If hes going to watch me, might as well give him something too see.

I started swaying my hips, grazing my fingers over my legs and slowly sliding them up, along with my dress. Glancing back, I could see the hungry look on his face, which only made me want to continue.

Hermione made her way over to me, grabbing my hips and swaying with me. I leaned back into her, letting the beat of the music, and her hands gripping tightly on my hip bones control my movements. The more I danced, the more sweat poured down my body acting as lubrication. The way he was looking at me, eyeing me with anticipation made me long for him.

Oh, tonight's going to be fun.

After a few more minutes, Zoe made her way back over to us, stepping in front of me to grind her front into mine. Hermione was still guiding my movements carefully, she knew what she was doing. If I had to guess, she was trying to help me seduce Severus. Which was working if I may add.

I looked back over my shoulder to see him shifting his clothes to cover his lower half. He looked around the room before his eyes met with mine. I gave him a flirtatious smile before sliding between the two woman and walking towards him.

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