Chapter 40: A Sunny Day In Town

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A few months had passed now. The sun was out more often, along with the warm breeze that followed. The trees surrounding the school and all the land around were starting to flourish and bloom, aswell as the beautiful variety of flowers.

I woke up that morning with the sunlight beaming through my window, brightening up the room. I smiled, pushing myself up with my elbows to looks around the room. Zoe was still snoring loudly in her bed. Pansy however was sitting on the floor petting a cat.

I got up from my bed and walked over to her. When she noticed me, she looked up and smiled. "Isn't he lovely? I dont know who's it is." She said beaming down at the beautiful orange cat.

"Isn't that Hermiones cat? Er.... Crookshanks I think?" I said as I sat down next to her to pet the cat.

"Possibly. But how would he get in here?" She asked me while still looking at the cat.

"I mean, it wouldn't surprise me if mini left him in here with Zoe. After all, you know?" I said as I rubbed the cat. It was purring louder and louder the longer I pet it.

"I guess your right." Then Crookshanks nudged her hand with his head, eager for more pets. "Needly little cat aren't you?" We both laughed.

I watched as Pansy scratched minis cat. The love and carefullness she put into every rub. Pansy may have a bad reputation, but deep down shes kind hearted. "Good little kitty" Pansy said before the cat jumped into her lap.
"Oh... I think he likes me." She said. I smiled at her then looked back down at the cat who was purring loudly in her lap.

An hour later Zoe started to stir in her bed. Before long, her head poked out of the duvet cover, peaking over at us. I watched as her eyes darted from mine to Pansys.

"Morning Zo." I said with a big smile. She screwed her eyes shut, then opend them wide again. "You alright there?" I asked with a curious look. She slowly sat up in her bed, rubbing her eyelids before stretching wide with a big yawn.

"What's Pansy doing with Crookshanks?" She blurted out. Always so straight forward.

"He just walked up to me. Funny thing, I've never seen him. But he's a beauty." Pansy said as the cat snuggled deeper into her lap. Zoe looked at me, eyes wide, then back at Pansy. Zoe then stood up and closed the distance between us, sitting beside me and leaning over to whisper quietly.

"When did you and Parkinson become buddies?" She snarled. I jabbed her in the side. "That's not very nice Zoe." I whispered, clearly irritated from her statement.

"We've become closer recently." I said simply. Pansy looked up at me questionably. "Everything alright?" She asked.

"No, everything is not alright." Zoe hissed back at her. "What's your plan? Why are you getting close to my best friend?" She said. The more she talked the more angry I became.

"Zoe... That's enough. There is no need to be rude.." I said before looking back to the cat. "I'm being rude? Y/n... Its Pansy fucking Parkinson...." Zoe said obviously fuming.

"Zoe. I'm not doing this right now. Pansy has been nothing but nice to me recently. If you are not willing to do the same, please... Don't even bother." I warned her. She looked at me completely dumb founded before abruptly storming out of the room leaving me and Pansy looking at eachother.

"She'll come around."


It was now later in the day. Since it was the weekend Headmaster Dumbledore agreed to let a few of us viset Hogsmeade with the company of a few Professors. Severus sadly was not one of them. Accompanying us was Professor Mcgonagall and Professor Flitwick. Flitwick took the male students, while Mcgonagall took us females. First stop was to a nice gadget shop at the far side of the street.

When we walked into the store, my eyes automatically caught a beautiful set of glass globs. I've seen these before, I know it. I studied them for a while. I tried so hard to remember where I had seen them before, but it never came to me so I decided to proceed looking around. After some time I came across a specific shelf with different muggle books. Muggle books? In a gadget shop?

My hand slid softly over the spine of each book before I found one in particular. It was a book about muggle history. Presidents from the past and different events that occurred during their times. The book was far to interesting.

Once I put the book back I found another. It was a different book. Looked to be a portrait book. I studied the cover for a few minutes before opening it and flipping through the pages. With ever page I flipped, a new set of Witches and Wizards covered the pages. Descriptions of them and their family's were displayed beneath each picture. Then I ran across a particular page. There, written  before my eyes was my mother and father with a small line beneath that held my name. I looked at each picture, studying their features and characteristics. They looked so young. My mother looked no older then Twenty one. Same with my father. In the picture they both looked so happy, as if the things that took place never happend to begin with. A tear slipped from my eye as I looked into the eyes of my parents. My mother in particular.

After a while I could hear my name being called from the opposite side of the room.

"Miss Y/n. It's time to go." Called out Professor Mcgonagall. I slowly looked away from the book into the eyes of my Professor before nodding my head and placing the book nicely back on the shelf.

We walked back onto the streets of Hogsmeade. The sky was a beautiful shade of bright blue. Hardly a cloud in the sky. I looked around admiring the beauty of nature.

Since my grandmas funeral I had almost completely forgotten about everything. Happiness was finding it's way back into my life. Severus has done everything in his power to make me feel wanted and loved. And Merlin did I feel loved. Every morning before class he pulls me aside and gives me a gentle kiss before dissapear into his chambers or classroom. I try to stay in his room throughout the majority of the weekends and sometimes through the weeks. Everything has been absolutely amazing, almost like a dream.

I watched as the trees on the sidewalks swayed back and forth. Listened to the birds as they sang their beautiful rhythmic songs. Watched as different couples walked hand in hand down the beautiful streets of the magical city. It wasn't until I felt someones hand on my shoulder that I snapped back to life.

A big smile formed on my face. Half of me hoped that I would turn to see Severus, the man I loved standing behind me. Waiting for me to wrap my hands around him in a warm embrace. The other half hoped it was Mcgonagall to let me know it was time to head back to the school. Then I could see Severus and have some alone time.

"Y/n...." They said. I turned on the spot, my smile immediately fading the second my eyes laid upon his.

"I thought it was you."

I'm so sorry this chapter is so short, longer ones are coming. Also, sorry for the cliffhanger. I thought since it is my BIRTHDAY today, I'd do what I love to do the most. Write. So here is a chapter for you all:)

I also just wanted to say again. I'm still going through old chapters and changing things. Not really adding much, but the more I write the more I realize the first 25 chapters or so are very poorly written. 

I am currently out of state at a conference so I probably wont update until I get home. But as always, I love you all and am so very grateful for each and every one of you!! Have a great night:)

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