Chapter 5: Trembling Thoughts

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I woke up the next day feeling odd. I look at my clock and it reads 3am. Why am I up so early? I begin to reflect on last that night once again. Did that really happen, or was it just a dream?

I look around the room. All I can think is how many people would make fun of me if they knew I liked Severus. But I guess it doesn't really matter.

The way I got all tingly when he kissed me. It was like I was in another world. I hope he feels the same way about me as I do him.
I decide to lay down and go back to sleep.

I wake up again, this time I look at the clock and it reads 8 am.

Shit! I'm late for class!!

I quickly pull out wand and use magic to dress myself then ran out the door.
As I approached Professor Snapes class, I sliped Hitting my head on the ground.

I was unaware of how long I was out, but when I woke up I heard nothing. I got up and walked into his classroom. To my surprise, everyone was still working on their potions.

Just as I take my seat, I notice Snape eyeing me.

"Miss Y/l/n, how kind of you to join us. Although It would be prefered if you weren't an hour late" he says furiously.

"I'm deeply sorry Professor, I accidentally slept in. It shall not happen again!" I say. But he doesn't seem super happy with me.

I continue with the lesson as if I was never absent. I noticed Snape walking around observing everyone. But when he got to me he stoped, leaned down over my work before placing a hand on my cheek, then he walked back to his desk. I begine to blush at the sight of him walking away.

The bell finally rang and everyone began making their exits.

"Y/n stay seated, I would like to have a word with you." Professor Snape called out to me from behind his desk.
"Yes Professor." I say nervously.

Once the last student left the room he stood from his desk and began walking my way. Watching him created a lump in my throat.

"I'm v-very sorry for being late Professor." I choke out. Once he was only a foot away I could clearly make out his face. He didn't seem angry like usually.

"I'm certain you have good reasoning for your tardiness." He spoke softly.
I looked down to avoid his gaze, suddenly feeling foolish.

"I do but... Its stupid." I say to him while fiddling with my fingers. Once I looked up at him I noticed his cocked eyebrow. He almost seemed amused to hear my reasoning.

"On my way here I kinda slipped. I hit my head on the ground and passed out for.. well, I have no idea how long." I said. He looked at me with curious eyes.

"Did anyone see you?" He asked. I shook my head.

"I don't think so considering I woke in the same place I fell in." He cocks his eyebrow again. "Anyways, I'm quite glad no one did see me, that would be embarrassing." I say with a nervous chuckle.

"Yes, I would imagine so." He said. I couldn't help but blush when my eyes locked onto his again.

He turned on his heel with a chuckle as he began to make his way around the room, grabbing up all the assignments off the desks as he went.

"That was cute." He said still walking around the room. Although I wasn't exactly sure what he was talking about.

"What?" I asked, he looked back at me and paused what he was doing.

"You should probably head to your next class. Wouldn't want you to be late for another."

"Oh right. Yeah. I'll see you later then." I said smiling at him. He gave me a side smile before grabbing up the rest of the papers.

I leave his classroom with butterflies fumbling around. Is this even real, am I alive I say as I pinch myself in attempt to wake up. Whatever dream this is, its cruel. I attempt to do a reality check and look in a mirror. I looked back. Nothing weird, nothing off.... This is real.... Me and Severus did kiss. Fuck

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