Chapter 35: Feelings Altered

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This chapter will have abusive flashbacks, and some minor violence. As well as a near death experience.

This is also going to be a long one. So sit back, relax and grab a snack!

It was all like it was before. Being led down stairs into darkness, although this time not by a man who I was truly terrified of. People say the good outweighs the bad, I say, if the bad is true enough, nothing could make it good again. And although that might sound absurd, it was true. My father may have done good deeds in his life, but it could never add up to the evil that resides within his heart. There is not a single good bone in that man's body.

As Severus led me down the spiral staircase to his private lab, another flashback woke from the darkness. Although it was terrifying - the physical
And mental image of the past. The anxiety building up inside me as my foot thumped on each step, I was able to re focus on the task. Getting these memories taken care of once and for all.

Severus closed the door behind us and led me to a single chair opposite to his work bench where a row of wands and other objects lay straight and organized. The room was very dark, with only a dim light illuminating the objects in the room. Severus himself walked over to the table as I situated myself in the chair comfortably.

"I'm not going to lie and say this will be easy Y/n. Or that it wont be painful." He said as he opened a case full of things I myself couldn't make out.

"I need you to stay focused. You need to keep yourself calm through these lessons."

"Lessons? I though-"

"You thought this would be as simple as a flick of a wand?" He turned to me and froze.

"I don't know." I said, looking down at my lap. He let out a sigh, pinching the skin of his nose.

"This will not be something that will happen right away, I need you to know that. It will take time and effort." He explained as he turned back on the spot, retrieving a wand from the case.

Before now, I was not sure what to expect. The naive part of me hoped it would be fast and easy. But the logic in me knew it wasn't that simple. I had heard of these kinds of lessons before, but only with people practicing Legilimency. Never before had I really dug deep into research about the skill, but there is a first time for everything.

"In these lessons, I'm going to attempt to breach your mind and look through your memories while you try to block me out. As I've said before, it's not going to be easy, But you need to stay focused. concentrate on blocking me out." Said Severus as he approached me, now wand in hand.

"Severus, what if it doesn't work?"

"You have full control over whether your successful or not." He explained, completely emotionless.

"Will you be able to see everything?" I choked out nervously. He looked at me with a questionable expression on his face.

"I'm afraid so."

He knelt before me, grabbing my hand in his.

"Don't worry. if you are successful you will have complete control over your mind. You will be able to block what's been troubling you."

I looked down into his eyes, full of compassion as he spoke words of encouragement. Although I wasn't prepared for what was about to happen, nothing can stop the feeling of relief from finally getting rid of these terrible memories.

Severus stood back up and inched backwards, spacing us mere feet apart. He smoothed down his robes, then held his wand out to me.

"Concentrate Y/n. Everything I see, you will aswell. Its important you Don't let fear overcome you." He said before taking a large intake of breath.

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