Chapter 43: Secrets

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I left his room this morning with a smile on my face. Reasured everything would be alright; from summer plans and onward. Everything seemed to be falling into place. That was, of course, until I bumped into Headmaster Dumbledore on my way down the corridor.

"Miss Y/n, lovely to see you so happy." Dumbledore said, arms crossed around his chest.

I nearly jumped out of my skin from his startling voice. I hadn't noticed him standing there before now.

"Oh! Headmaster, how are you?"

"Fine, just fine. Although I could ask you the same question." He said with raised eyebrows.

"Care to explain why you were in the kitchen alone this morning?" He began. I wasn't expecting the bluntness he presented the topic with.

"How did you-"

"How did I know?" He started walking closer to me. I held onto the sleeve of my sweater and looked out a window.

"Dear, I know everything."

There was a momentary pause. Terror began to course through my veins. Am I going to get into trouble?

"No Y/n, you're not in trouble. Not yet at least." Those words alone dropped about five pounds of weights off my shoulders. Then again, Yet.

"But I do suggest next time you have a craving for chocolate, I advise you to eat a chocolate frog. The elves are strictly for preparing meals. A few minutes to you knocks off hours for them. They work hard to keep things in line and I would like to keep it that way." He explained, tho not irritatingly.

"Yes Headmaster." I simply replied. He shook his head in agreement before turning and walking back the other way.

I took a step back, slouching down on the cold brick wall behind me. It was unlike Dumbledore to punish students. And although this was no punishment, I couldn't help but feel conflicted. After all, it was just a pan of brownies.


Not much time had past before I was back in a classroom; studying and taking notes as always. It was harder to concentrate today. Hermione and Zoe had taken up sitting next to eachother in any and every class they could. Their giggles combined with the passing of secret notes was enough of a distraction as is. Sometimes I wondered what life would be like if they were not together, but they are far better off together.

Just as soon as class started it ended. Everyone was piling out of the classroom when a hand tugged my shoulder.

"Hey Y/n, tonight Mini and I are going to have a little fun. Wanna join?" Zoe asked with a little wink. I observed our surroundings.

"Zoe, I can't. I already have plans."

"What kind of plans?" She asked with raised eyebrows. In reality I had intended to spend the night once again with Severus.

"You know, just plans." I brushed the question off like it was nothing, wishing she would leave it be and run after her little mini.

"Y/n, you never really spend time with us anymore. I'm begining to wonder if we are even your friends." Zoe said as she let go of my arms. The pure hurt that displayed across her face saddened me. The last thing I want is for my friends to think I hate them.

"What? Of course I'm still your friend Zo. I've just, you know..." I stuttered. "I've got alot going on at the moment. I'm sure you understand."

Zoe looked down at the floor as I explained. It had not occurred to me up until this point how distant I had become to my friends. Friends I've had since starting my first day here. My free time has been taken up by him and only him. The thought never crossed my mind that I was unintentionally and absent mindedly pushing away the other people that loved me.

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