Chapter 22: Happy Birthday Part 1

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It has been a few weeks since my weekend with Severus. Winter break is comming up rather fast leading me to wonder what I will do for over break. The last thing I want to do is go home, but I don't want to linger around Hogwarts either. Severus always stays at the school for breaks. If I did stay, I doubt we will have much alone time as he will be making preparations for after, but if I leave then I wont see him at all. That's the hard thing about our relationship. He is my Professor and although Professor Mcgonagall knows and lives for us, what will happen once more people find out? I could only imagin how Zoe would react, or any of my other friends for that matter. Surely if Mcgonagall knows so does Dumbledore.

When I finally stir awake I notice I'm the only one in the room. Shit, am I late again? I quickly get up and throw all my clothes on before running out of my dorm with all my stuff in hand. I run through the halls as fast as I can to the great hall. I take in a deep breath before stepping in to see if everyone is just eating.


The sudden eruption in the hall startled me as I walked in, stopping me in my tracks. Before I even had the chance to comprehend what was going on, everyone started singing happy birthday to me. Listening to the happy singing created heavy tears in my eyes. No one has ever sing happy birthday to me, or even celebrated for that matter. And for a split moment, sadness overcame me. My head was filled with all the memories of my previous birthdays and what had happend. I didn't even know it was my birthday. It's a day I have tried to block out for a while now because My birth was not something I ever thought to be special.

I quickly pulled myself out of it and a big smile appeared across my face. For the first time I felt loved and wanted by everyone around me. Even Severus was standing and singing with everyone else, greeted with a big smile. As I looked around the room their was not a single person not singing. Everyone at the Teachers table was standing and the hall was beautifully decorated with colorful balloons and lots of confetti, It was definitely a sight to take. Once everyone was done singing I was greeted with lots of hugs and kind words. Those being "Happy birthday Y/N" and "I am so glad you are here". I didn't realize how much people actually liked me or enjoyed having me around until now. The next person practically threw themselves into my arms.

"Happy birthday Y/N" she said so enthusiastically. "Thank you Zoe!"
"What do you think?" She said as she glanced around the room with her arms crossed, clearly satisfied with the hall.

"Its.... Amazing. I didn't even know it was my birthday." I said back both overwhelmed and excited.

"Well, you can thank Professor Snape for all this."

Professor Snape? Why would he do all this only for a simple birthday.

"Professor Snape did this?" I said confused. "Oh yes! He insisted on decorating the hall and making this all happen. Everyone helped out."

I stood their looking at Severus talking to Mcgonagall. "Why would he do all this only for a birthday. We dont usually celebrate like this?" She looked at me almost as if she didn't understand what I was saying, like I was crazy.

"Are you kidding me? Y/N, you have done such amazing things this year. You have saved my life and changed others around you. Everyone admires you so much for all you do." She said completely taking me back.

At this moment I wasn't really sure what to say. I guess I never really paid mind for things that I have done. I always thought I was invincible, like no one really thought of me much. I mean after all, I'm just another student. Their is nothing major that sets me aside from everyone else and the things I did I never thought of as 'hero like'. Anyone would have done it. That's just how life is. You help those around you and as far as I'm concerned everyone at Hogwarts is my family. I look around the room again and notice all the tables are set with beautifully made cupcakes and candies. Most people are off chatting amongst their own groups, others are indulging In the food. My attention is quickly grasped by a rather happy looking Professor walking my way.
I have never seen him so happy around all the other students. It's almost like the Professor side of him was gone and he was just a normal person enjoying a party.

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