Chapter 29: The Funeral

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The next few days had gone by sufficatingly slow. Today was the day, Grandfathers funeral. It was a day I had dreaded my whole life, surely I never knew how soon the day would arrive. After all this time, studying at school, remaining at school during dreams and summer. If only I had known sooner that his time was reaching its end I would have stayed longer. I would have made an effort to visit as often as humanely possible. But I was cold. I had made it priority to stick to my studies and attend as many summer classes as possible to keep my grades the highest for my future. Now, I'm filled with guilt and heartbreak.

Severus had already showerd and dressed by the time I had fully woken from my slumber. I watched as he carefully examined himself in the mirror, plucking off any particles from his robes. He noticed my awoken self watching him in awe on the bed. For a moment, I had completely forgotten how dreadful this day was as I watched the handsome man in front of me carefully assessing himself. His eyes locked mine as a slight grin smeared across his face. He then turned to me and sat beside me on the bed, brushing a loose strand of hair out of my face.

"Morning beautiful. Sleep well?" Severus asked me, eyes glimmering in the sunlight. "Very much, thank you for asking. You look rather handsome today." I said to him, pulling him closer to my face before placing my soft lips upon his. Once he pulled away, he walked back to the mirror, taking one more look before looking back at me.

"You best get ready aswell. You have yet to eat and we are expected to be their before others arrive today." Severus said to me as he opend my bedroom door. "I'll check if breakfast has been prepared. Get dressed." He said with a faint smile before closing it behind him leaving me alone.

I let out a loud sigh, rubbing my sore eyes before rising from my bed to scramble through my clothes for an appropriate outfit. I quickly found a knee length pencile dress, black of course. I paired it with a pair of black heels and a loose bun, letting some loose strands hang over my face. I looked at myself in the mirror before it hit me once again exactly whos funeral I was attending. Before I got to emotional, I brushed myself off and sniffled lightly before grabbing my black cape and securing it around my neck.

Walking down the stairs, I could already hear the chatter from beyond the living room in the kitchen. A specific voice stood out as I got closer. It was Hermione. I thought she would be meeting us at the grave sight I thought to myself before peeking my head around the corner, now clearly able to see everyone in the kitchen. Their stood Severus, Hermione, Gloria and.... The Weasley's?

They all quickly noticed my presence, Molly's loud shoes clicking across the floor as she walked closer to me, arms stretched out. "Oh dear, I'm so sorry for your loss. You must be shattered" Molly said as she threw her arms around me, I awkwardly patted her back before she pulled away. A strong smell of animals and food projected off her plump figure. "Now now Molly, give Y/N some space." Arthur spoke lighthearted to Molly. She gave him a snicker and rolled her eyes before lightly tapping face.

My grandma had prepared a large meal for everyone that had came. We all sat around the table, Severus and Hermione on each side of me. My grandma across the table accompanied by Arthur and Molly.

"So Y/n, how are you. Aside from you know what." Hermione said to me as she took a bite of her food. I paused for a second, clearing my throat.
"I'm alright I guess. Actually, later on today I need your, erm, help with something if you could?" I said to her, she had no idea what I meant by it.
"Of course, what is it?" She asked me, now taking a sip of her tea. By now, Severus had grown aware of our topic and was listening in. "Its a private matter, I think we should discuss it more alone." I said, glancing at Severus as he took a sip of his drink. Hermione nodded her head.

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