Chapter 3: Classroom Troubles

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After a while of studying it was about time for class to start. As students began to pool in, I noticed Zoe first.

"Y/n Where have you been all morning? I have looked everywhere for you." She said with a worried tone.

"Don't worry Zoe, I was studying. I thought I could use some book time to prepare me for the day." I said, standing to give her a small hug. The rest of the students quickly made their ways to their own seats.

After a few minutes the door swung open revealing Professor Snape.

Weird, I never even noticed he had left.

He began to write out potions on the board with his wand. "Today you will be working with the potion Amortentia. Please be careful as I dont want any messes to clean up."

I look over at Zoe and she smiles.. I bet she is wanting to use it on Malfoy. After all she has been obsessed with him since 1st year.

I begin mixing all the ingredients to create the potion. Being very careful not to add the wrong things. I look over and see Snape observing all the students. You can see the frustration growing in his eyes. He gets out of his chair and walks in the direction of a Gryffindor.

"What is it with you Gryffindors. Can you do anything right?" He smacks his head with a book.

Then he makes his was across the room. Studying every student carefully. As he approaches me, I can feel his presence. "Miss Y/l/n. Your potion seems to be satisfactory. Tell me, what do you smell?" He asked me.

I leaned forward and took a big whiff of the potion.

"I can't smell anything... Did I do it wrong?" I ask him, but he walks away.

Confused, I begin going over all the instructions, once, twice.. But nothing is wrong. It appears that I did the potion correctly.

While he makes his was back to the front of the classroom to sit at his desk I attempt to pick up my potion to move it. Suddenly my grip gives out resulting in my potion falling to the floor, and shattering. I look over at Snape with terrified eyes. He quickly jolts up and makes his way over to me. He looks at me, then looks at the floor. I could see the disappointment in his eyes. Just then, the bell rings.

"Class dismissed" Snape Hisses, Still eyeing me down.

"Sit. Down. Y/l/n." I sit down, embarrassed and totally mortified.

"Did you really think you could leave such a tremendous mess in my classroom?" He says quietly as he approaches me.

"No Professor"

"Detention after school" he says tempestuously. "And clean this despicable mess up this instant."

I begin to frantically clean up every bit of broken glass on the floor. "Yes Professor " I say as he struts to the front of the room. I cant believe that just happend. I just got detention for the first time. What is happening to me.

Lost in thought I accidentally slit my finger open from a peice of glass. I gasp out in pain as the blood seeps from my finger. Not wanting to bother my Professor, I brush the blood onto my robe and continue. Time passes by and I finish cleaning up all the shards of glass.

"P-Professor, I have finished cleaning up all the glass." I say slowly. "I'll be the judge of that" he says as he makes his way to the once mess I created.

"Yes, it appears you have finished your task. You should be more careful next time. This is a very powerful potion" he says looking into my eyes.

"I promise Professor, It wont happen again."

Professor Snapes attention is suddenly caught and I watch as he looks down at my robe covered in blood. Then, he grabs my hand sharp and examines it.

"When did this happen?" He asks. I look down at my finger, still dripping blood.

"I cut it on a shard of glass. I'm alright, really." I try to explain. He looks into my eyes then grabs his wand and uses a healing spell the seal the wound.

"Thank you." I say to him. He let's go of my hand and walks back to his desk.

Before leaving the room, I turn back to him. "Professor, are you going to take poin-" before I could finish he cuts me off.

"Not this time. You redeemed yourself by cleaning up the mess."

"Oh, thank you." I say as I lean forward to hug him, quickly stoping myself.

"Very well then, off you go." He says walking me out of the room before shutting the door behind me.

I enter the main hall, ready to eat. As I glance around I see my best friend Zoe. She is waving at me to come and sit by her.

"Hey y/n! Glad to see you weren't eaten alive by Professor Grump." I laughed from the sentence.

"No, I just had to clean up the mess I made. I do have detention tonight tho, So I probably wont be able to study with you like we planned."

"That's okay, I understand. Hopefully Professor Snape isnt to hard on you. After all it was only a mistake." I give her a smile before indulging in my plate.

Suddenly I feel a strong discomfort. Almost as if someone was watching me without my knowing.
I look over my shoulder at the doorway and see all the Professors lined up. As I graze over all of them, I see Snape. His eyes are fixated on me. I pause for a minute examining my clothes to make sure I didn't drop anything. Then his eyes meet mine and he quickly turns and disappears. That was weird..

"Earth to Y/n..." Zoe said. I quickly turned back to her chuckling.

"Sorry. I thought I saw something." She looked at me confused but brushed it off and got lost in conversation.

After we finish, I look at the clock. "30 minutes until detention, good. I have time to use the restroom." I rush to the bathroom and quickly do my business before heading to his classroom.

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