Chapter 15: Out Comes The Truth

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Off in my distant dream, A loud thud echoed throughout the dungeon, causing everyone to jult out of bed.

Wearing nothing but my silk night shorts and tank, I slip my robe on and proceed down the hall.
Entering the common area, I am instantly greeted by Draco and Pansy. I was quite shocked in hearing Draco as he was sent home. He must have forgotten something.

"The fuck did you just call me Malfoy?"
Pansy yells at him.
"You heard me you little slut."
He shouts back.
"You know, maybe if you gave me as much attention as you give everyone else, I wouldn't have to satisfy my needs with another man."
Draco stopped, clenching his fists together.
"Don't you mean, woman?" He hissed back at her.
"Oh my GOD, your STILL caught up on that!"

Suddenly, a loud door slams shut revealing Professor Snape.

"What in the hell is going on in here"
He shouts making his way through the crowd of students.

"Sir, Draco called me a fucking slut."
Pansy whined to Snape, crossing her arms together.

"That's because you ARE one."
Draco yelled back to her, gripping at every ounce of anger in her.

"LIKE YOUR ANY BETTER. I see the way you look at other women, Draco. You NEVER look at me that way."
Snape quickly intervened, stepping between the two.

"Everyone, back to your rooms NOW." He shouted before looking at the two.
"I do not care what happened, nor do I care what was said. Next time you two rudely interrupt my sleep and the students around you, there will be severe punishments." He said in a calm voice.

"But sir, he called me a-"
Snap cut her off.

"I don't care WHAT Draco called you, you two fight all the time about stupid stuff... Now GET TO BED" He shouted turning to walk back to his room.
He swiftly walked past me, his cap grazing my shoulder.

For a moment I was fixed on if I should follow him, or stay put. But instead, I decided to go to bed. It took a long time for me to fall asleep, but once I did I was out.


I'm walking through the halls, admiring the twinkling night sky when I hear a familiar voice from behind me. "Hello, Y/L/N," Draco says, inching closer to me.
"What do you want Malfoy?" I shyly ask him. "You think you can get away that easy, your wrong." He hisses, closing the distance and causing me to back up.
"You think your so slick eh? Well, no one is here to save you now." A villainous tone erupted from his mouth.
I quickly start to feel a cold stone on my back, realizing he had backed me onto a ledge.
"Draco please, leave me alone."
He eyes me for a second before grinning.
"That would be too easy Y/N. Why would I do something so foolish."
Now. standing face to face, he places both hands on my shoulders and grips tightly causing a very scared emotion to come across me.
"I could do it you know. I could end you right now." He said as his grip grew tighter.
"What's stopping you then? Just fucking do it you coward" I shout back at him.
Within seconds he pushes me over the railing, and I'm falling to my death.


I wake up, jolting up from my bed in a panic trying to catch my breath. Tears begin to stream down my face.

What happened that night at the party?

I question myself, growing more infuriated at the fact that no one will tell me. Given the horrific dream I just had, though, I can take a good guess.
Still frightened, I put my robe on and decide to head to Snape's room to see if he is still awake.

I knock on the door, but no answer.
Great, he's asleep. I guess I'll just-
I pause my thought as I see his office door slightly open. Inching my way to his office, still slightly anxious, I slowly open the door to reveal Severus sitting at his desk grading papers. It didn't take long for him to notice me as his eyes almost instantly caught mine. He could tell something had bothered me...

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