Chapter 45: Tension

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I woke up this morning with a slight headache, and the memory of the previous night still in my head. Although it was fun, there was so much put at risk. Zoe and Hermione split. And the thought of lying to Severus was almost to hard to bear.
But I knew more, if I were to tell him he would be angry. And that is one thing I was correct on.

"What were you doing last night?" Severus asked me as he come into the room and shut the door.

"What do you mean?"

"I said, what were you doing last night." He spoke, his voice full of anger.

"Severus. Before I say anything-"

"Oh I already know. I know exactly what you did. You and your little punk friends not only snuck out of the school grounds. But you entered into the Forbidden Forest."

I stood there in silence as he unraveled with anger.

"You continue to break the rules. You continue to disobey. You continue to let me down." He said, annunciating every word.

"How do you think this looks on me? Or do you not care, Y/N. Not only am I dating a student. But I have to keep covering your ass with things you do."

"Hold on." I spoke above him. "How did you know I was in the Forbidden Forest?"

He stopped talking. With arms crossed, he stared at me.

"That is none of your concern."

"You've been following me, Haven't you?" I said, but he said nothing.

"Severus. I cannot be in a relationship with someone who Is constantly following me! You need to understand, I am my own person. Just as much as you are."

I began pacing the room, now more angry than before. Severus stood in the middle with his arms still crossed.

"Is that right? Your own person. Let's make one thing straight" He grabbed my arms and pinned me against the wall. His face close to mine.

"You better learn your place in this world. When to open your mouth, and when to shut it."

He let go and started pacing the same way I was previously.

"I wasn't following you." He said after moments of silence.

"Well then who was?" I said, sounding defeated.

"That is none of your concern. It is my job to keep you safe, and I did."

Severus stood silent until I finally got up and left the room with a slam of the door.

I walked down the quiet and mostly empty halls. All students were either outside having fun, or packing for the upcoming summer. Both in which I didn't want to do. At this point, I'm unsure if I even want to spend summer with Severus in Spinners End. I miss when everything was great. When we had just started seeing eachother and we were obsessed with eachother.

Everything from this point forward was a blur. Whether we would stay together, or I would spend my last year at Hogwarts sad and alone. It's crazy how so much can change in such a short amount of time. What started out as a love story, seems to now be The unfortunate fate of Y/N.

I continued walking around for some time until I reached the same ledge I had spent so much time on. Having past it so many times, I decided to rest my feet and hopped up on it. The sky was blue and half-full of fluffy clouds. The ground was covered in various flowers and the trees were almost completely still. If nothing else, this was my happy place. After all, this is how everything started.

Although my nightmares have almost completely disappeared. I still can't help but wonder how my life would be different if my parents were still in my life. How different my father could be. And if I would have ant siblings. And thought it was a nice dream to imagine, it was almost impossible to picture it.

"Y/n." I heard a small voice call out from the distance.

"Hermione?" I said back, knowing that voice all to well.

"Is it okay If I sit with you. I'm not really doing to well." She said in a shaky voice, arms crossed tightly around her waist.

"Of course, come here." I waved her over.

She looked out at the view in silence for a while until she finally looked down at her lap.

"You know. I know what I said about Zoe and I. But I never meant it. I would never actually put action to it. She was my everything and now.... I just feel empty Y/N. Like all the happiness has been drained from me." She started opening up as a single tear shed from her eye.

"After so long of being friends, then being her girlfriend. I just don't see how we could ever go back to being just friends."

I watched as she broke down. Her hands covered her face in embarrassment and her body shook back and forth.

"Hermione. Maybe this was for the best."

"How could you say that? How could you say that it's for the best when you are never around to see us?" She snapped at me.

"Okay. I deserve that." I said in a lower voice.

"Do you love her?" I asked her.

"What do you mean. Of course I do."

"Can you see yourself with her for the rest of your life?" I said. She let out a long sigh.

"Yes." She said simply.

"Then that's all you need. You know you love her and want to be with her. So go after her."

Hermione straightened her back and wiped her face.

"You think I should?"

"I think you should. You two are amazing together. Go get your love back before it's too late."

Her smile was tight, but she listened. Before she left she gave me a hug with a quiet thank you and ran away to find her love.

When did I become the relationship fixer in the group. I chuckled, then stood up to return to my room. Packing needed to be done before the end of the week. That is, if im still going to Spinners End with Severus.


Later that night as I was packing, a small knock came through the door. I put down the dress I was folding and opened the door only to see Severus standing in front of me, holding flowers.

"For you, my love." He spoke softly and gently.

"Severus. What are you doing here?" I asked him while taking the flowers from his hands.

Severus crossed the room and sat on the bench at the end of my bed. "I wanted to apologize for earlier. I should not have blown up on you like I did. It was wrong of me."

I smelled the flowers and gave him a grin. "These smell lovely, thank you." He raised his brow and narrowed his eyes on me.

"Y/n, I'm serious. I apologize." He said more seriously than before. I placed the flowers in a little jar on my dresser and crossed the room to sit beside him.

"I'm sorry to. I never should have lied to you. Nor should I have snuck out like I did." I looked down at my hands, then up at his face with a small smile.

"I forgive you. Can you forgive me?" I asked him.

"Of course, my love. My forgiveness is granted. Now, will you still be joining me this summer?" He asked as he glared at my suitcase.

"I will if you still want me to." I replied. Severus pulled me into his embrace and held me tight.

"I would love nothing more."

2 more chapters until this year at Hogwarts is over. I hope you are ready from what Y/N's last year at school will have in store😏

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