Chapter 10: Party Til You Drop

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After I have finished all my classes, I'm walking through the halls. I hear distant loud footsteps running my way, look up to see Zoe.

"Hey (y/n)! Want to go to a party?" She asks winking.

"I dont think that's a very good idea."

"Oh come on, you never do anything fun with me anymore. What happend to the adventurous side of you?"

I look at her and smile "Alright, but I'm not staying long. I need to study."
She squeals as she takes my hand and drags me to the common room.

When we enter their is a big crowd of people from all the houses. Draco walks up to me and hands me a cup. "What is that?" He looks up at me and smirks.
"Drink and find out" he nods and walks away. I look into a cup and it's clear with gummies as the bottem, and it smells like candy. So I decide to take a sip. "Ohhh god, what is this" I say nearly choking. "Its just some vodka, it will make you feel good" Luna says smiling as she proceeds to sway back and forth.

I look around the room and everyone is dancing to the beat of the music. (In Da club-50 Cents)
I'm starting to feel really warm, so I sway with the rythm. The more I drink, the more everyone becomes fuzzy until I feel like I'm dancing on a cloud.
"Feeling yourself their, (y/n)?" Harry says with a chuckle. I just nod.
He grabs my hand and leads me to the dancefloor where we dissapear into the crowd. Before I know it, it's like I'm on another planet. Everyone's bodies rubbing against eachother, music so loud you cant hear your own thoughts.
Suddenly, I am being passed around to different people as if I'm a dog. It's hard to even make out who they are, until I reach Ron. "(Y/n) are you alright? You look pale". All I could do was laugh.
"I- I am v-very well, thh-thank you.." He had a disturbed look on his face. "I think you should sit down."
He guides me off the floor into the cool hallway and goes to get me some water.

"The music, it stopped.... ohhhh This is a vv-very beautiful place. Wait, who's talking?" Looking around "Ohhh Shit, its me" I laugh uncontrollably as Ron walks my way.

"Why are you laughing?"

"Oh, no reason... Just the voices." He looks at me quite confused. "Th-, never mind. Do you want me to walk you back to your dorm?" "NO" I hear from the other side of the room. I look over and see Severus.

"I can take it from here" he walks closer and dismisses Ron. "Oh Sev, I'm glad you could join me" I say, giggling.

"(Y/n) What on earth where you thinking going to that party? Furthermore getting drunk!" He shouts at me. I look at him and start tearing

"I was only trying to have fun. I'm always the outsider..... Zoe invited me, I didn't see the harm in it." He wips away my tears- "Love, these gatherings are nothing but trouble. In fact stay here" he rushes into the hall. "WHAT ON EARTH IS GOING ON IN HERE!" Everyone stops and looks at him.

"This is completely and utterly UNACCEPTABLE. 20 points from Hufflepuff, 20 points from Gryffindor 20 points from Ravenclaw" He looks at the ceiling clenching his fists "and 100 points from Slytherin." Everyone gasps. "Now, I suggest each And every single one of you scums to return to your dorms, IMMEDIATELY." He hisses at everyone. They all scatter as he walks back towards me, scoping me in his arms and taking me to his corridor.

When we are in his room, he places me on the couch and fetches some water and med potion. "Here my love, drink these. They will make you feel better". I lean up to take a sip only to throw up all over his shoes. "I-i.... I'm so sorry" I say, weeping. But he doesn't say anything. He just looks at me, stands and walks to his bathroom. When he comes back out he is wearing only his pants. "I think you should get some rest" he says guiding me to his bed. When I lay down, I look up at him feeling embarrassed. "I'm really sorry, you must hate me now." I say looking back down. He puts his thumb on my chin and raises my face "I could never hate you." I nod and lay down feeling woozy. The rooms spinning as I drift off into a deep sleep.

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