Chapter 36: The Letter

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Nothing in life can prepare you for what may happen. Some live happy, fulfilled lifes while others suffer in silence. The world is a cruel, manipulative place and everyone is expected to be happy. But how? How can you be happy when everything is taken from you. Chose your words carefully because in the blink of an eye, your world could turn upside down. I never thought an argument would be the way I said goodbye to my grandmother for the last time.

Everyone was crowding around me as i yelled at the top of my lungs. You would think with how things ended, i wouldn't be moved. But she was the last of my family. As much as her words struck deep into me, i love her. And I always will.

Professor Mcgonagall dropped to her knees in front of me, rubbing my shoulder and trying to comfort me to the best of her abilities.

"What did it say... The letter?" Said Pansy standing behind Professor Mcgonagall.

Zoe leaned down and grabbed the letter. She hesitated for a moment, but then read it.

Dear Y/n,

My name is Cordelia. I am a friend of your grandma, Gloria. I am so very sorry you have to find out this way.

About a week ago, your grandmother became very I'll. I had asked her if she wanted me to call you to come take care of her, but she refused. Yesterday she was rushed to the hospital where she sadly passed late in the night.

She had told me before that you and her were not on speaking terms. And she told me not to bother telling you, but I had to. I'm so very sorry for how things happed between the two of you. You have had a hard life, and I know this won't make it any better but I still thought you should know.

I am deeply sorry about your loss.

With all my care

Cordelia Winston

Zoe slowly lowered the letter, tears now emerging from her face. She walked closer to me, sitting down and wrapping me in her arms.

"I am so sorry Y/n..." she said, sniffing from her nose.

I cried into her arm but couldn't move. It was like my body was frozen in place. I could see her, my grandma beaming with joy as she pushed me on the swing. The way her grey hair flowed in the wind. That image was embedded in my head. It hadn't occurred to me before, but now it hit me like a stack of bricks. I will never be able to make any more good memories with her. She will never get to see my children, or the day I get married to the love of my life. All the hurtful things she said to me before were gone. All I could think about was how much I loved and missed her.

If only I could have fixed what was broken before. This isn't how i wanted it to end. I never wanted this to happen.

Professor Mcgonagall let me have the next off of school. There is no way I would be able to focus on my studies when something so tragic has just happend. I wished nothing more then to be able to cuddle up in bed with Severus for the rest of the night. But sadly, I pushed him away. I was so cruel to him aswell. But now I've realized I cant live without him. I need him. And I'll be damned if last night is the last time I get to kiss him, or hug him.

I spent most the night crying into my pillow. There was a moment when I had to use the restroom. But when I stood up, I ended up in a ball on the floor - sobbing my heart out.

Zoe had noticed me on the floor and got up to sit next to me. She hugged me tight as I cried into her.

"I am sorry Y/n. Life has been so cruel to you as of recently." She spoke softly into my hair.

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