Chapter 6: Unforgivable Violence

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After classes that day had concluded I decided to roam the halls. But all I could think about was Professor Snape. His soft, buttery lips. The smell of honey and vanilla on his perfectly sculpted body. How every time he touched me or even got close to me, shockwaves would flow through my body.

I turned to go down the stairs leading to my dormitory. Hearing footsteps behind me, I turn to see who it could be.

"Hello?" I call out. "Is anyone their?"

Suddenly, Trevor emerges from the dark. His red robes were burned in my mind. I new his cocky smirk all to well. He and his... goones, bullied me since i had been sorted into Slytherin.

"How cute, a sssssilly little Sllllytherin." He says, laughing. "God, what a tragedy it would be to ruine that pretty little face of yours." I start to panic.

"Please, I'm just trying to go to my room." Just as I turn to leave, he pushes me down the stairs.

I tumble down, hitting every sharp corner. When I finally reach the bottom, I am out of breath and unable to move... loud laughs echo down the stairway.

A few minutes go by and I am still stuck in the same spot, sobbing and in excruciating pain. I begin to hear footsteps. No, not again.

Before I can make out who it was I started seeing stars. Everything began to spin as the world went black.

Snapes POV

"Get to bed!" I yell at some Slytherins out of bed. Walking down the stairs to the dungeon I notice someone sitting at the bottom. When I get closer I can make out the face. Its Y/n.

I quickly run to her aid, scooping her up In my arms. "Y/n, what happend?" I say worriedly, but she is completely unresponsive.

I examine her body for any damage. That's when I seen the blood seeping out of a wound on her torso. In shock, I quickly rush her to Madam Pomfrey

"A students been injured" I say with desperation in my voice.

"Oh dear, this looks serious. Do you know what happened?" Pomfrey asks. "No, I was patrolling when I saw her laying on the floor unconscious." I tell her

"I need to examine her, please Professor take a seat." She says to me as I help lift Y/n onto the bed.

I sat in the corner of the hospital wing waiting for Y/n to wake up. The longer the clock ticked, the more anxious I became. What is it about her? Why am I unable to leave her alone.

Your POV

The smell of alcohol and mildew filled my nose as I came to. My vision was blurry as I looked around trying to make out where I was. I noticed the outline of a person sitting in a chair opposite to me.

I tried to stand up, but failed to do so and quickly fell to the floor. A stabbing pain on my side quickly prevents me from moving. I tried to stand up once again but was unable to. I laid on the floor for a couple minutes sobbing in agony. The person in the chair began to stir awake, then called out to me and I instantly knew who it was.

"No no no... You can't walk right now Y/n, are you trying to injure yourself more!" He practically yells leaving me in tears.

"Im.... I'm sorry. I didn't mean to upset you. I'm merely worried for your safty." He says in a reassuring tone.

"It- it's alright. I'm fine, thank you." But he can tell I'm most definitely not.

He sat next to me on the bed, gently wrapping his warm arms around me. Just to feel his touch gave me a sence of safety.

"Who did this to you?" He asked in,a whisper.

"Everything is blurry. All I remember is-" then suddenly I remember everything. My eyes open as I begin to sob.

"It was trevor. I was walking back to my dorm. He was mocking me, I tried to get him to stop but he wouldn't. He pushed me down the stairs. I couldn't move.... i was.... Frightened....." I begin to panic.

Severus held tight to me. "Dont worry, I will make sure he receives the proper punishment." He says with anger laced in his voice.

Severus tried to calm me down, the pain was becoming to unbearable from the panic. He held me tight in his arms before passing out.

Now, the only one awake I try to clear my mind. The event that took place definitely hurt in more then one way. I never thought he would go to that extent as to hurt me, clearly I was wrong. I look up at Severus. He looks so peaceful when he sleeps. The way his face fully relaxes is adorable. I lay my head on his chest, accadentally waking him.

"Are you alright?" He said as he pulled my hair from my face. I didn't say anything because Talking was to painful right now. He quickly got the hint. Placing a kiss on my head, he layed his head back down.

"You.. Smell amazing." I manage to say out loud, half regretting it.
"Do I?" He said in a very confusing tone. I hummed slightly agreeing with him.

"So do you." He said, his voice soft.

For the next few weeks, Severus helped tremendously. He would bring me food when he wasn't teaching a class. Although I wasn't always hungry when he would bring it, I ate it anyways.

Not alot of people came to visit me. Madame Pumfrey was so kind and generous. Being at the hospital wasn't the worst thing in the world, but it's not something I would choose over my dorm.

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