Chapter 41: The Bean

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I did a double take at the person that stood before me. No... No please tell me this isn't real.

"I thought it was you." Draco said with an almost hesitant smile.

"What do you want Draco?" I said cutting straight to the point.

"I.... I wanted to apologize to you. For everything." He spoke slowly. Why he was wanting to apologize now? I have no idea. But if I know anything, it's that an apology wouldn't excuse what he did.

"Save it Malfoy. I don't want to hear your apologies okay?" I said while turning away to catch up to my friends.
He grabbed my wrist, pulling me back to him.

"Wait! Rally, I am. You see-" I turned and yanked my hand out of his hold, speaking quietly not to create a scene, "You dont understand do you? And apology isn't going to fix things. Nothing you say or do can." I said, anger growing within me.

"I know. I don't deserve forgiveness nore do I expect you to forgive me. I just wanted to say I'm sorry, that's all." He said, then shook his head, turned the other way and walked off.

I stayed back watching as he walked away. What has gotten into him. Draco Malfoy doesn't apologize for things. Something must be up. I was then distracted from my thoughts when I heard Professor Mcgonagall calling for me. I looked at the group, then back at Draco walking away into the distance before turning to join the others.

"What was that about." Zoe said as she boarded the buss. "Um, nothing." I said trying to avoid the topic. She looked at me with a questionable look on her face, but quickly dismissed It and found a seat.

Once we got back to the school I went straight to my common room. Others were already gathering around for a party. Of course, Pansy and a bunch of other Slytherins always liked to have parties on the weekends. I never really made appearances to them as I was usually with Severus on the weekends. But from what I hear going around school, they are quite fun. I heard once Blaise and Pansy got so drunk they decided to play truth or dare. It didn't turn out well for either of them tho.

I lingered around for a while until I said my goodbyes and went to find Severus. Even though we don't see much of eachother at the moment due to this year coming to an end, I still miss him every time we are apart.

After some time of looking I found him in his Classroom, buried in a stack of ungraded papers. I quietly cracked the door open and slipped in. He didn't notice me at first, but once he did a small smile formed on his face.

"Hello love." He said as he looked back down at the papers and began writting again.

"Evening dear. You look bussy, would you like me to come back later?" I asked him as I approached his desk. He looked back up at me, studdying my features.

"No, it's quite alright. I'll be here for hours regardless." He said, placing the quill back on the desk and motioning for me to come closer. I did so and leaned into his warm embrace.

"How was your day out in Hogsmade?" He asked into my hair. I pulled away from him and sat on his desk, him crossing his arms around his chest leaning back to give me his full attention.

"It was... interesting." I said simply.
"How so?" He asked.

"I mean it was fun for the most part. Up until the end when Draco pulled me aside and-"

"What?" He said in an agrivated tone.

"No no. Nothing happened don't worry." I reassured him. He let out a thankful sigh.

"He... Apologized to me." I said looking off to the wall. "He didn't seem like himself, almost like he was scared of something." I said.

"Well he should be scared after what he did." Severus said as he sat forward and grabbed his quill again.

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