Chapter 31: Trauma and Manipulation

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I was walking through the halls of my home, dad was sitting on the couch with a fresh glass of whiskey. He quickly noticed my presence and smiled. His smile was unlike one I had ever seen. It was nice, sincere. My legs started moving without me realizing and I was walking backwards to go back to my room. Suddenly, he got up and rushed twards me, pinning me to the wall.

"Care to explain why your up at a time like this?" He said to me, clearly drunk.
"I- I was just going to get some water."

He didn't seem to believe me and before i knew it, he harshly slapped me across my face bringing me instantly to tears.

"Oh quite your crying you little bitch...
Your just like your mother, utterly disrespectful and stupid."


"How dare you walk through these halls without a care in the world. I am in charge here... Not you or that poor excuse of a mother."


He slapped me so hard across my face my nose started bleeding. I was now a sobbing mess, pinned under the most terrifying man I had ever laid eyes on.
A few more slaps and he was dragging me down into the basement. I had no time to scramble to my feet as he pulled me by my hair. I felt every step stab into me, all hope I once had dissapeared.
I was stuck in a state of fear and terror.
He grabbed a chair and threw me down onto it before tying my arms down with chains.

"Please... don't do this to me dad, I didn't do anything!" I desperately pleaded out to him. He ignored me as I sobbed out my pleades. "If you don't shut your FUCKING mouth, I'll give you a reason to cry.." he hissed through his gritted teeth as he worked the chains into place.
Then, my face was on fire as he delivered 5 close together smacks across my skin.

"Please dad... stop." I mumbled out, nearly able to speak. Suddenly, everything went dark. Sharp pain surged through my body as I heard those words.. the words that struck a nerve deep down every time..



"NO!" I screamed, tears flowing down my face. Severus quickly julted upright startled by my scream and pulled me close in his arms.

"Shhh. It's okay Y/n. It was only a dream, it isn't real." Severus quietly said to me, trying to calm me down.
I continued to lose myself as he rocked me.

"It wasn't a dream, it was real." I said before I broke into tears again.
"It was real Severus, it wasn't just a dream.." I repeated over and over again, trying to register what I had just seen. The fear of the past once again was comming back, and I have no idea how to control it. The more I'm in this house, the more I break down. My only comfort is from the man I love, holding me in his arms.

Why wont they go away, why do I keep returning to the one place I deeply resent. This is torture.

Severus continued to rock me back and forth. After some time, and I had called down he hummed softly into my ear, then kissed me softly on my forhead. Everything shortly went from devastating to relaxing. Having him hear with me was the best part.

The sun began peaking through my window, illuminating my room. Severus had fallen back asleep beside me. I watched as his chest rose over and over again. His eyes began to flicker open and I was greeted with those dark eyes I have come to absolutely adore. A smile became present on his face, sending butterflies through my body.

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