Chapter 37: Alone Time

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"Y/n." I heard a voice softly speak to me through my sleep.

"Darling, wake up." The voice said again.

My eyes fluttered open to see Severus knelt before me beside the bed.

"I have to go teach. Will you be okay alone?" He asked as he brushed a strand of hair from my face. I grunted, pushing my face into the pillow.

"Do you have to go?" I said, my voice muffled by the pillow.

"Unfortunately I do. I'm a Professor afterall."

"Fine." I said, turning to face the window opposite to us.

"I will be back after my first class to check on you. Theres some cut fruit in the kitchen if your hungry." He said, getting up and buttoning up his robe.
I turned to him. Watching as he delicately done up every button on his robe. Watching him do so was mesmerizing.

"Your staring." He said, glancing up at me. I broke from my daze and smiled up at him.

"Who wouldn't. Look at you."

Severus let out a deep chuckle as the last button clicked. He looked the same as he did the first day I saw him. And he still had the same effect on me. When he looks at me, I cant help but blush.

Severus walked back over to me, planting a soft kiss on my forehead before smiling.

"I'll see you in a bit." He said before walking towards the door.

"Try not to make there lives misserable." I joked to him.

"I'm not promising anything."

And with that he was gone. I could hear the door to him chambers open, then close letting me know I was alone. I wasn't exactly sure what to do with my free time, so I decided to go back to sleep for a little. I was just about asleep when a knock was heard from the door.

I waited for a moment, and then it happend again. Quickly, I got up and checked my appearence. I was still in the same clothes from early this morning, so that was a good thing.
I hesitantly walked to the door. Then the knock happend for a third time. I opend the door to see Dumbledore standing in front of me, robes and all.

"Good morning miss Y/n. I thought I would find you here. May I?" He asked, gesturing to the room. I moved aside and let him in, still shoked to see him.

"Your probably wondering why I have bothered you during your private time." He said, sitting down on an armchair.

"Something like that." I said, sitting across from him.

"I'll get straight to the point. We received another owl early this morning. It was from the same woman your last letter was from letting us know when the funeral was." He said, watching me closely to see how I was reacting to the news.

"Oh..." I simply said.

"Your grandmother's funeral has been set for tomorrow. After a long conversation, Professor Mcgonagall and I have decided to give you tomorrow off from classes as well. If you would like to go to the funeral." He said, still looking at me.

Feelings started to rush through me again. It had been hours since I thought about my grandmother's passing, and him bringing it up made me want to cry all over again.

"Um..." I said through a shaky voice.
"Could Severus come?"

Dumbledore looked at me and smiled. It was the most sympathetic smile I had ever seen from him.

"Of course. Minerva has already made plans to take care of his class for the day." He said. I didn't say anything. I just looked away trying to focus on something other then this.

Snapes Love Affair On viuen les histories. Descobreix ara