Chapter 2: Morning Sun

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As the sun arose, i was awoken by the bright light that seared right into my eyes. I turn over to my friend Zoe and try to wake her up.

"Zoe wake up... Zoe... ZOE!" I yell, jolting her out of sleep.

"Jesus (y/n)! What's that for? I was just getting my beauty rest." I walk over to the closet, and grab my robe and hers.

"I just thought we could get a start to the day. Eat some food. Study some?" Zoe rolls her eyes "Why are you always such an early bird? Be a normal person and sleep in for once." We both chuckle.

I get up and look out the window. "It's just such a beautiful day, I dont want to waste a second of it."

I finish putting all my clothes on and I am ready for the day. I grab my list out of my bag to check my classes for the day, i notice Potions is my first class...

"Oh lordy. Here we go. Another day, another class. I hope I don't get to many points taken from last nights incident" i whisper to myself. Although that definitely isn't what's really on my mind.

Before I did anything I decided to take a walk outside. Everything was so beautiful. All the birds were chirping, the breeze was gracefully blowing through my Hair sending shivers down my spine. No one else was outside so I had the whole outdoors to myself. Walking around some I finally come up by the Willow tree. It was asleep so I just quietly sat next to it not wanting to wake it.

I pulled out my book again and begin reading it. Obviously I dont wish to be that student that is always up the Professors ass. Teachers pet some may call it? Although I can see how some may think otherwise.

Some time had passed when i realized i forgot my watch in my dorm. I quickly pack my things and run to the school.

As I walk down the hallway, I hear Snape yelling at Malfoy.

"What on earth were you thinking taking that from her bag? You are an embarrassment to the slytherin household..... 5 points from slytherin" Snape says to Malfoy.

"Professor, with all do respect they were taunting me. I didnt know what else to do" Malfoy says, practically yelling at Snape.

"How dare you use that tone of voice with me. GET OUT..... NOW!" Snape shouts angrily at him.

As Malfoy runs out of the classroom, he goes right by me. "What are you looking at, fool" he says to me as he scurries past. I find myself standing in the hallway, unsure if I should go in. After all It was really early. Finally I get the courage to walk in only to find snape standing over his desk Obviously angry, and very tense. He then straightens his back and let's out a sigh. He looks in my direction. I can feel his eyes fixated on me.

"Miss Y/l/n, may I help you with something Or do you like foolishly standing in doorways." He mutters.

"No si- Professor. I was hoping I could study some if you dont mind?" He turns away to look out the window.

"An ambitious student. I must say I am impressed. You do know class isn't for another 2 hours right" He says as he walks in my direction. "Yes Professor. I just thought some studying would do me well." He pauses and looks narrowly into my eyes

"like last night..." I sit their nervously Not quite sure what to say.

"very well then." Professor Snape said as he walked back over to his desk.

I watched as he delicately grabbed a quill from his desk and began only what I could assume to be grading. He didn't seem to do much else in his spare time. He was always either scanning the halls, away where no one would bother him or grading. That's not adding meals in the great hall.

I was oblivious to the fact that I was staring at him until he cleared his throat in attempt to grasp my attention.

"Do you need something?" He asked in a rather irritating tone.

"No. Sorry Professor Snape." I said, looking back down at my books.

I could feel him staring at me while I read the pages of the book. Although with knowing that, I was unable to concentrate. I read the same 2 lines over and over again until I sunk my head into my hands.

"Are you having trouble?" Professor Snape asked, sitting back in his chair and wrapping his arms around his chest.

"Kinda." I said plainly. I could hear his loud sigh of aggravation as he abruptly stood from his chair and swept his way over to me.

"What's troubling you?" He asked as he peered down at my book.

Oh I dont know. The way your always so cocky and arrogant. How rude you are to all your students. How beautiful you are and the way you make me feel when you stare at me. STOP IT Y/N....

"You said this week we would be attempting the Draught of Living Death. But I cant seem to memorize the ingredients." I said irritatingly. It was true, the Draught of living death was a hard one to conquer.

"Tell me, what are the ingredients you do remember?" He asked as he slammed the study book shut.

"Umm. Well, theres water. Root of Asphodel. Infusion of Wormwood. Valerian Root?" I said, more so asked then anything. Professor Snape nodded his head.

"What else?" He asked again. My head began to hurt as I tried to recall the last ingredients.

"A Sopophorous Bean.. I think a sloths Brain. Flowers Head." I tried to think, but nothing else was coming to me.

"I'm sorry Professor but that's all I can remember." I said once again slouching my head into my hands.

"Hm.. It appears you only missed one Miss Y/l/n.." He said, but not in his usual tone. He didn't seem mad or irritated right now.

"What did I miss?" I asked him. Professor Snape oppend my book to the correct page and pointed to it.

"Moondew..." I said as I looked over the final ingredient.

"I have to say, I'm quite pleased at how well you could recall the rest of the ingredients." He said standing back straight.

"Thank you Professor." I said to him, slightly blushing.

"Anything else I could help you with?" He asked.

"No. I think that's all." And with that, he walked back to his desk to continue what he was doing.

After his help I found it much easier to study. My head was no longer lingering on him. I was able to focus fully on the pages beneath me.

I read carefully over all the potions we would be learning soon. His reassurances made me more confident in my learning abilities.

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