Chapter 32: New Year

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We appeared back at the school shortly after. The weight of recent events was weighing strongly on my shoulders. The pain from both losses now tugging at my heart as if someone had pulled it out, stomped on it and threw it in a pond. My only love, hope and family was withing the man I loved, and I even fear of loosing him by this point.

It cant get much worse then this, I sighed, walking up the steps of Hogwarts with Severus.

Minerva was walking the halls when we arrived, quickly acknowledging our presence.

"Oh Y/n, Severus. Lovely to see you two again. How was your-" she said but was quickly cut off by Severus' hand raising- silencing her.

"Y/n has had a rough week, I think it's best shes left without questions for the time being, My apologies Professor." He said before leading me down the hall. Professor Mcgonagall stood in silence, only nodding.

Once we reached the end of the hall, he stopped and turned me to face him. My eyes were red and puffy from all the crying from the past week.

"Would you like to stay with me, or your own room?" He asked thoughtfully. I looked into his eyes, smiling sadly. "I think I just want to be alone for a bit, if you dont mind." I said to him. It hurt listening to the words escape my mouth as he is my comfort, but I needed time to clear my head.

"I'll walk you to your room." He said, grabbing my hand and walking down the stairs to the dungeon. The short walk was quiet, nothing said from either of us. Once we reached the door to the common room, he opend it and led me inside. Curious eyes fell upon us as he walked me to my bed, carefully placing my bags beside it.

"Um - Okay, I'll see you later?" He said nervously. I only nodded my head. Severus fidgeted with his hands and robe for a minute, seemingly unsure of what to do before suddenly turning on the spot and exiting the room.

I ran my fingers through my hair, attempting to process everything that had happend. The sound of the door opening jolted me from my thoughts, looking up only to see Pansy entering the room.

"Hey Y/n, how are you?" She asked nervously. It was deffenitly different seeing her attempt to be civil, but I could tell she was trying.

"Um. I'm fine I guess." I replied, although that was completely false. She looked at me concerned before walking closer. "Need someone to talk to?"she asked me.

I looked at her, desperately trying to conceal the tears that were emerging from my eyes. All the moisture that was in my mouth had left, leaving my throat dry. My head wrapped around every thing that had happend within the past week.

"Um... No I'm fine. Thank you tho."I said to her, grabbing my bag to unpack. She nodded before grabbing something from her nightstand and quickly leaving the room. I let out a sigh of relief, the last thing I wanted to do was give her any ammunition in case she is in fact still in contact with Draco.

After about an hour I had all my belongings unpacked. Not many had come and gone in the time, but any that had came in greeted me with a warm welcoming smile. It was nearing supper, and considering new years eve their was to be a party. I had decided, even after all the chaos this past week has tempted me with, I would make an appearance.

Searching through my wardrobe, I found a nice shimmery silver dress. It was knee length, tight to the body. I pared it with silver heels and some red lipstick- my hair in a bun. Once everything came together, I headed straight for the great hall.

The room was dim, covered with shimmering stars that hovered just above the air. The tables were gone, leaving smaller ones that held food, drinks and other items. Considering it was a party for all students, no alcohol was present.

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