Chapter 7: Passionate love

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It's been 3 weeks now that I have been in this hospital bed. Madame Pomfrey found 3 broken bones and lots of internal bleeding. I am lucky Professor Snape walked in when he did Otherwise I may not be alive.

As I glance around the room, all that's soring through my mind is how incredibly amazing Severus is. He is the most kind, thoughtful and compassionate person I have ever met.
Now able to stand up, I walk over to the kitchen to fetch some juice. As I walk around the corner, I jump. Their Professor Snape was making coffee.

"Goodmorning, did you have a good nights rest?" He said kindly.

"Yes, I most certainly did. I feel as though I could run a mile." He glares at me "Well then I assume you are well enough for class, it starts at 8. Please, dont be late." He says with a testy tone in his voice.

"I wont be late Professor, I promise." He walks over to me and softly caresses my cheek. "You have no idea how worried I have been." I shudder from his touch.

I pressed my lips to his as he wraps his arms around me. I completely melt in his embrace. He carefully moves his hands down to my hips and gently pulls me closer. In pure bliss, I run my hands through his silky smooth hair. Most people say its greasy, but they are wrong. He has the best hair. I can feel the shiver that traveled down his spine. He began to kiss me on both cheeks before pulling away.

"We shall finish this later. I should be on my way." He whispers in my ear as he let's go.

I quickly run to my dorm to collect my robe and books. I stumble out of the room and run down the hall. Turning a corner I bump into a very unpleasant figure.

"Why hello, I see you have healed from the little incident? I dont think I did enough damage, do you guys?" He asked his little rats. Before I could say anything, Snape wips around the corner and grabs Trevor by the stitching of his shirt and drags him away.

"You sir, are going to find it fun in Dumbledores office." He hisses as he walks out of view.

I quickly take my seat. When I look over at the door I spot Zoe through the croud of students. She quickly made her way over to me, dropping her bag and wrapping her arms around me.

"Oh my god Y/n, your back!" She squeals as she hugs me tight. "Are you okay? I heard what happend." I nod

"Yes, I'm as well as to be expected. All thanks to Professor Snape." She looks at me with a questionable look on her face. "Snape? How did Professor find you?"

"He was making his way to his room when he passed by me. If it wasn't for his quick thinking I could be dead ." I explain to her. Moments after Snape walked through the door, shutting ut with a slam.

"Settle down, settle down. Today, we will be learning the spell Lumos. Now I know this isn't particularly what i would be teaching, I'm merely filling in. It will be very helpful to you in the future. I will demonstrate ONE time. If you do not pay attention I will deduct points from your house. So I suggest you keep a close eye on what I am doing."

Everyone stops what they are doing and study's Professor as he does the spell.

After about an hour most students had gotten the spell down. Zoe however was having some trouble. I tried to help her but was quickly distracted.

From the corner you can here Draco "Bla bla bla. A stupid spell cannot possibly be that hard to learn.... All of you are fools." When he finishes his sentence, Severus narrowes his eyes on Draco.

"Wingardium Leviosa" Snape says, as Draco floats into the air.
"Next time Malfoy, I wouldn't be so Cocky." Everyone laughs as Draco struggles.

"LET ME DOWN!!! You despicable Halfblood!" Draco yells at Professor.

"What did you just call me" He says Viciously. "N-nothin P-p-professor."

Out of pure terror Draco was barely able to speak. Suddenly the bell rang
"CLASS DISMISSED." Snape shouts out as he throws Draco to the floor. "My father will hear about this!" Draco shouts as he runs out of the room. I linger around as Severus collects himself.

I come up from behind him and wrap my arms around him. I felt as he stiffened up. Slowly, he loosend up and turned around to face me. He then picks me up and places me on a table.
Within seconds we began to kiss. His hands gliding up and down my body, pulling me closer to him. My hands grazing through his luxurious black hair. I can feel him harden due to how close we are. It's getting harder to resist the erg to rip his clothes off. He stops kissing me for a split second to look into my eyes before proceeding down my body.

He puts his hands on my thighs, and gently moves them up past my skirt. As he begins to stimulate my nerves, I let out a moan. He quickly covers my mouth.

"Severus..... No......." I cant even begin to speak. I tense up my body as the pressure builds. He continues and I can no longer hold back. Suddenly, I let out a loud moan as I finish.

Once I collect myself, I look down at Severus only to find him smiling passionately at me. "Did you enjoy that" He asks me. "Y-yes." I can bearly get the word out of my mouth.

He cups my face into his hands, and presses his soft, buttery lips upon mine.
His eyes meet mine with a passionate twinkle.

"you are soo beautiful." I smile widely at him.

"Meet me in the corridor at midnight, I want to show you something" he says as he walks me out of the room. Before I go, he leaned down one more time to deliver a gentle kiss on my forehead.

As I walked out of the room I glanced back at Professor Snape to find him already looking at me. I smile widely before exiting the room.

I make my way to the great hall for some food. Looking down, I notice all my favorite. The sound of Zoe calling my name quickly caught my attention and I walked over to sit with her.

After filling my plate with various foods, I looked around the room. My eyes quickly caught Professor Snapes and I couldn't help but smile. I watched as he looked away to continue his conversation with Professor Mcgonagall. Then, watched as he stood up and began walking down the rows.

Watching him walk was almost mesmerizing. He walks with purpose, like he is the king of this room and everyone should bow down to him. This mad has me transfixed.

After supper, I waited in my room anxiously watching the time click by. It wasn't long now until meet up with Professor Snape.

Although I already had in mind what was going to happen, I couldn't stop myself from wondering what was to happen. Will tonight be the night that I give myself to someone willingly?

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