Chapter 46: Spinners End

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Just like this year had started, it was coming to a close. Today is my last day at Hogwarts until summer is over. And while I'm going to miss all my friends, I can't wait for what this summer will have in store for me.
Not only do I get to spend a whole summer with Severus. But I get to see how much our relationship progresses and develops into something even more amazing. And though we have had our many fights and arguments about things that are now irrelevant, I think this is exactly what we need to grow as a couple.

The morning started off slow. I woke up to the beautiful sunrise gleaming through my window. Birds chirping outside on the school grounds, and the trees lightly swaying back and forth. Not a single cloud could be seen in the sky. I walked over to the window and opened it to reveal the sun beaming off the lake in the distance.

Absolutely breathtaking...

As far as packing went, I was already finished. I just needed to gather up the rest of my toiletries and get dressed. Throughout the week I had been packing slowly- only leaving out the necessities. It was relaxing knowing I was finished and ready to start the summer off strong.

Ron, Ginny and the twins would be returning back to their parents house. Along with Hermione and Harry. As far as Zoe, I'm unsure of her plans. I hope she has a lovely summer, though.

Once everything was ready and set by my door, I left for the main hall to grab some breakfast. Harry was the first person I saw. And to his left sat Ginny.

"Goodmorning Y/n. Sleep well?" Ginny asked in her sweet voice.

"I did. How about yourself?"

She smiled in reply and went back to eating her organized plate.

"So Harry. What fun plans have you guys planned for the summer?" I asked as I piled my plate with various foods.

"Well, I'm glad you asked actually. Mrs. Weasley and Mr. Weasley are taking us to a beach for a while. A little tropical getaway."

"Oh my, that sounds just lovely. And I'm assuming Hermione is joining aswell?" I asked before taking a large bite from my pastry.

"Yes she is. They also invited Zoe, but I'm not sure if she will be joining or not. Something about wanting to take some time for herself." He said in a rather distasteful tone of voice.

"Well I think she just needs some time to think. This year has been rather hectic. She just needs a little recouping before the new year starts."

"Yeah, I suppose." Harry shrugged, then took another bite of his food.

"Anyways" He continues before pushing the plate away and standing to his feet. "I've got more packing to do."

With that, Harry turned on his feet and walked away. Ginny looked up and gave me a shy smile before following behind him leaving me alone at the table.

Looking to the other side of the room, I saw Pansy sitting alone- pushing around the food on her plate. I bet she misses Draco.

After I finished my breakfast I went back up to my room to prepare for Spinners End. Shortly after there was a light tapping on my door followed by a quiet "Hey you".

Severus walked into the room, bags in hand and wearing an odd smile.

"Are you ready to go, my love?" He asked.

I had never seen him so happy to leave Hogwarts. It was as if he didn't want to waist another second of time lingering around.

"Uh, yeah. Just about." I replied.

"I was thinking we could just apperate to Spinners End. I think it would be the smartest thing to do. Especially since you have now mastered the arts. "

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 13, 2022 ⏰

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