Chapter 9: Dont Get Caught

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Your POV

I wake up in a dark room, Severus still peacefully sleeping beside me. When I look at the clock, it reads 4AM. Why am I awake so early?

I cant sleep anymore so I get up and walk over to the kitchen inside his home to make some tea. In the corner of his room, their us a bay window with a seat, so I decide to sit down and admire all the dark trees and stars that surround Hogwarts. Sitting next to me I see a closed book. Curiosity got the best of me. When I pick it up I look on the front and back to see no writing at all. What is this? I decide to open it only to find Severuses writing.

Should I really read this? It may be personal. After some time I decide to read it anyways. I open it to page one.

'My love for you is tough,
It shall never die,
For you bring me soft roses,
While I sit and cry,
Your heart might be taken,
Your life may be swell,
But I love you my flower,
Forever and Always I will'

Severus Snape/1972

A single tear drips down my cheek as I read. This must be about Lily. I know I will never compare to her, nor do I wish to. She truly was the love of his life. I only wish I can bring him happiness.

I put the book down feeling guilty for invading his privacy.
When I am finished with my tea, I lay back down. Tossing and turning for quite sometime until I drift off.
When I wake again i see the light cutting through the room. I looked over at Severus to find his still fast asleep.
Hm, what can I do with this free time i think to myself. I could surprise him with breakfast.

I grab his robe and cover my naked skin before heading to the kitchen. I'm much smaller then him so his robe was ginormous on me. Shortly after I start preparing the meal, I saw movement out of the corner of my eye.

"Goodmorning my love" I say in a happy tone.

"Goodmorning. I see you have become quite comfortable in my clothes" he says with confusion in his voice.

"Oh, I'm so sorry. I can take it off"

"No, please. Keep it on, afterall it looks rather exquisite on you." He says as he makes his way to me. I finish with the last of the cooking. He snatches the spatula from my hand and grabs my waist facing me towards him. He looks at me with lust filled eyes as he slowly unbuttoned the robe.

"Although I think it would look much better unbuttoned, like this" he says followed by a smirk.

I prepare the table and pull out a chair signaling for him to sit.

"No no, you sit first" he says refusing to sit down. I roll my eyes "If it makes you happy" and sit down, him sitting in the seat next to me. We begine to eat our food.

"This is delicious darling. " he says mouth full of food.

"Thank you. My mum taught me all her recipes shortly before her and papa passed." He glares up at me with worried eyes.

"Oh, I didnt know."

"How could you? I never talk about it, it's not something I to like remember."
I proceed to eat my food.

"How long, if you dont mind me asking?" He says. I sit back in my chair trying to hold back the tears I feel forming.

"Well, they passed when I was 12, 2 weeks after receiving my invitation to Hogwarts." Snape places his fork back on the table and reaches to hold my hand in comfort.

"I am terribly sorry. I love you Y/n." he says as he looks innocently into my eyes. When we both finish our food, I gathered the dishes and bought them to the sink.

"I love you to Severus. And it's alright. Tragedies happen in life" I say as I begin to wash up.

He walks behind me gently kissing my neck. I turn around and place both my hands on his face and press a soft kiss on his lips, with him grabbing my waist with both his hands.

"I think we should get ready dear. Wouldn't want to be late for your own class." He gives me a dirty look before going and getting dressed.

As we head out of his room, I can hear voices in the distance. He quickly guides me back into the room.
Moments go by before he opens the door to find knowone else their.
He holds his hand out to mine and leads me down the hallway into the classroom. We are the first ones their, but that's nothing new.

I take a seat at my desk as he makes his way to the front of the class and begins writing on the board. I notice him frequently looking up at me. So I decide to tease him a little. Pulling my skirt up here, bitting my lip their. And of course cant forget the old back ack trick. I can see him getting frustrated.
Just then other students start to arrive, first one being Zoe.
She quickly runs my way and sits next to me.

"Omg Y/n I feel like I havent seen you In FOREVER!!!." She says with excitement.

"Zo, its only been a day- I giggle- But I missed you too." She gives me a big hug and begins to pull out her books. Suddenly Professor clears his throat in attempt to gain the classes attention.

"Put. The books. Away. I'm in
A rather good mood today so dont ruin it. Instead, we will be watching a movie. If I hear talking or laughing or anything that involves your mouth you may find yourself with a test tomorrow. Furthermore dont make me regret it."

You can see the excitement fill the room as he begins to play the movie. I look over and see him fixated on me with a slight smile. Looking around, everyone is so focused on the movie to notice so I flash him a wink. I guess I caught him off guard because he quickly turned away.

Shortly after, he makes his way down every isle to make sure everyone was respecting his wishes, That is until he stoped behind me. I glance up at him and smile. He glares around the room making sure knowone is looking before kissing my forhead and walking away.

Throughout the entirety of the movie we share faces and flirtatious gestures until the bell rang.

"Class dismissed" he says rather loud before pushing the screen back into its cubby. I look over at him with a smile before exiting his classroom to head onto the next class.

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