Your Child Has Autism

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I'm updating twice today since I didn't yesterday. This is a strong topic so I hope you like it...
We had saw all the signs starting when he was about five months. If I smiled at him he would stay straight faced and you could see that he didn't understand that facial expressions were different from other ones. He used to look me in the eyes while I fed him but now he casts his gaze onto my cheek or somewhere else. As he got older he didn't like to be touched, Justin had to stop before I did as he would scream and panic when he did. We called the doctor who diagnosed him with Autism.
Three years later we had a little girl. He held her as soon as he possibly could. As they both grew older, he always remained in contact with her, never drifting apart. We kept him on a schedule and warned him if it was to change on a certain day or he would get upset.
Today, was his tenth birthday, I cannot believe that it has been that long since I've carried and had my first child. Justin,
y/d/n and I creeped into his room and saw that he was heavily snoring. My baby.
"One... two... three" y/d/n whispered.
"HAPPY BIRTHDAY Y/S/N" we yelled.
He woke with a shock and a small smile on his face, "Thank you" he spoke softly.
Y/d/n ran over and gave him a hug hug in which he returned to her. "I love you bud" she cooed with his nickname.
"I love you too bug" he murmured.
"After you brush your teeth, come downstairs so we can have breakfast" I said.
Justin and I have one last smile and walked down the stairs to get his favorite breakfast food ready. Pancakes, bacon, eggs, and fresh strawberries with orange juice. I started with the pancake batter as my two kids jumped down the steps.
Y/d/n went into the living room to start a movie just like we start every Saturday morning and y/s/n came and sat on the island stool.
"Are you excited? The Big 1-0, you're finally double digits!" I exclaimed. He smiled lightly.
"Mommy?" He asked timidly.
"Yeah baby?" I replied.
"Me no freak?" He whimpered.
"Of course not, why would you say that?" I wondered.
"People at school, glasses are bad, and I am dumb" he repeated.
"Don't ever listen to them! Your glasses give you superpowers, sometimes you get to see what many others don't and that's so cool! You are so smart, they are just jealous because they won't ever understand things the way you do" I said.
"Hug?" he opened up his arms.
I walked over to him and slowly went in for a hug until he quickly pulled me to him. His hands drew into clenched fists on my shirt as he held me tightly to him. I soothingly rubbed his back, letting him let go of me first.
"Daddy? Hug?" He asked as Justin walked into the room looking like a deer in the headlights.
The two embraced each other as our son sat in his lap for most likely the first time in five years. I think that we were both grateful for the love and affection he is showing us today.
As I finished the breakfast and brought it out to the living room, my family was already sitting comfortably on the couch. Justin and I on the ends and my two loves in the middle. This is my family, it may not be perfect to everyone else but for me, I could never ask for anything more.
Question of the Day: Do you know anybody with autism?
I used to dance with a boy who did because his doctor said that it would help with his memorization of things, he was really nice too. Hope you enjoyed! Thanks for reading!

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