Thirteen Questions Tag

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I was nominated by Xpurpleswagg800X so I nominate
TehPeaceMaker -omahasquad- donnybear -blackertheberry ericaawrites MXNTXLLYBROKEN _sirbizzlexo alwaysthereforjustin DimplesDoe iamjourneygrace TheBestJBFanfics TiffanyMitchell4 Blessmybieber . The questions for you guys to answer are in the media. Now you have to go off and try to tag 13 more people! :)

1.) What is your number 1 biggest fear?
Losing my mom and grandma, I literally would crash, they are my real reasons for living and wanting to be successful so I can help them out.
2.) If you could be a celebrity for a day, who would it be?
I wish I was a celebrity so I could be myself but I'd be Beyoncé. Like just imagine being able to walk on stage and strut like she does, goals. 🙌🏾
3.) Favorite type of pie flavor?
4.) Favorite food?
My Mom's spaghetti
5.) What would you do if there was a Zombie Apocalypse and your friend was outside your door?
Throw them a weapon and run out the back door to hide
6.) Favorite restaurant?
Five Guys or Chili's.
7.) What would you do if you became a millionaire?
Pay off my mom's debt, get her to stop working, donate money to my church, pay for siblings and myself college, and get a bigger house since we're crowded in my current house.
8.) My First Time...
Riding a two wheeler bike was very scary, I couldn't do it until I was like 9 years old.
9.) Cake or pie?
10.) Favorite gum flavor?
11.) Are you a day person or night person?
Day; I like to be asleep when night comes
12.) Kill, befriend, marry.
Marry Justin Bieber, Befriend Zendaya, Kill any chick who tries to touch my husband
13.) What fruit would describe you?
Pineapple; hard and stickily on the outside, sweet on the inside.


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