First Diaper Change

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Early this morning you gave birth to a beautiful baby girl. She was 6 pounds and 7 ounces, 14 inches long. Justin was by your side the entire time, even before she came complying to even the simplest request such as a hug.
As soon as she arrived, the both of you instantly fell in love with her. She was absolutely breathtaking! Her little eyes opened and immediately captured our hearts. After holding and feeding her for a couple of hours, you were suddenly hit with a wave of tiredness. You changed her first diaper and placed her back into her incubator for rest before you knocked out.
You woke up to the sound of your sweet baby girl crying. You peeled your eyes open just as Justin lifted her up and gently into his arms. He softly cradled her in his arms slowly quieting down her cries.
"Hey honey" he smiled when his eyes met yours.
"Hi" you said weakly.
He handed you a cup of water that you gratefully drank. He walked over to the plush changing station and laid y/d/n name down.
"I'm going to change her" he stated.
He unbuttoned the bottom of her onesie lifting it only enough for him to reach the top of her diaper.
"She's so small" he whispered.
He peeled open the diaper keeping her covered then reached for a fresh one along with some powder and wipes. He opened up her fresh diaper and placed it underneath the old one. He grabbed two wipes and slowly started. Up.
"Wait Justin! You can't wipe up, you have to wipe down. She's a girl, if you wipe up your wiping all of that back into her coochie and that's like dangerous" you stated.
He followed as you said and wiped her down as nicely as possible, lifting her bottom up a little bit more to make sure he got everything. She opened her eyes as they trained on Justin and started making a suckling noise. When he finished, he brought her into his arms again and she latched on to his shoulder trying to get milk. You were dying.
She started crying as soon as she realized that nothing was coming out.
"I think she has the wrong parent" Justin said.
He handed her to you and you slid down one side of your hospital gown to where you breast was exposed just enough her her to feed. You put her in the proper position and watched as she quickly latched on. You watched her neck to make sure she was swallowing properly every couple seconds. Justin leaned on the edge on the bed watching the both of you with a small smile.
After she had finished, Justin insisted on burping her and laying her back down to sleep. He sat on the chair pulled close to the bed and laid his hand on top of yours leaning towards you.
"Can I get some milk too?"
I thought that last question was really cheeky like something he would say. This isn't the best but it was an idea I couldn't get out of my head.
Question of the Day: How do you feel about the BieberRoast?
I'm so nervous! His mom & grandparents are also there with him. I just don't want his feelings to get hurt as he feels that he should own up to everything he did. Thanks for reading! Hope you enjoyed!

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