Mike Brown

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It's evening and your at home waiting to see what the verdict is on the case of Mike Brown. Your husband Justin is coming home the studio any minute. A news report flashes on the screen just as the front door opened and closed.
"The Grand Jury decides on the case of Michael Brown to not indict that officer that shot and killed the teenager"
I cry left my mouth. That's not fair! Who the fuck came up with that decision. Of course there is more white on the jury than black.
"Police are saying to stop the violence over the decision. Anyone caught ruining property will be fined and depending on the damage could face jail time"
"It's okay baby. It'll be okay" Justin said as his arms circled my body.
"No Justin it's not going to be okay! How many more people need to get shot in order for there it be a change? How is there still racism in the free country of America? It's so not fair"
"I know baby, I know. I'm so sorry" he cooed rocking me back and forth, "so sorry"
Next Day...
Justin has an interview today and brought me along with him. I didn't really want to get out of the house but he insisted so I came and sat in the dressing room watching it on the tv screen in the room.
"So how your wife doing today?" He was asked.
"She doing good, a little shaky and upset but she's alright"
"Why is she upset?"
"Just over the case, it made her really upset last night but I understand it"
"Understand what?"
"Why she's so upset, if one of my nephews from Y/n's brothers and sisters got shot ten times and then got away with it, I would be devastated. I would burn shit up too. She was crying and heaving but I know why. I can't imagine that happening to my son. I don't know what I would do if somebody took someone I love away from me. While I was talking to her she said two things that has been in my mind since she spoke it. She said, How is there racism in the free country of America. That's true, but it's sad when other countries who don't have much or aren't developed know that it's wrong. Also she said a lot of people always need to get killed before there's a change. Its a sad story and I give my condolences to the family."
He walked off the stage and back to the dressing room into my arms.
"I got you baby, nobody's messing with my family"
That's my Twitter up there^^^. This is something I wanted to write about so I hope you liked it. Thanks for reading! Hope you enjoyed!

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