Eight to Twelve

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Every Saturday there is this young lady at the park who is absolutely breathtaking. For all the kids she bring arts and crafts along with a cute table set up. This all started about four months ago, between breakfast and lunch when there was a lot of kids there she was there. At first, a lot of parents were skeptical about her and how she suddenly just showed up. But now, parents come and drop their kid off and come back later. Every Saturday eight to twelve.
All the kids adore her. Even my little Bella. She's had trouble getting close to females ever since her mother walked out on us last year, then tried to get custody of her. Smh.
After breakfast, Bella was-as always- eager to get to the park. I dress her in some soft shorts and short-sleeved t-shirt. I put in her little sandals then jogged out to the car buckling her into her seat. When we arrived at the park, there was only two other small children and now Bella. She ran off smiling with her two pigtails bouncing as she went. I never leave her here because I know it would upset her. Sometimes I catch her looking back to make sure I'm there. I sit on the bench that's far enough where she can see me clearly but I can't hear anything. During this time, I can usually get an idea for songs or video concepts.
"Daddy!" Bella's voice rang out.
I snapped my head up to look at her, "The lady said you can come too, We're going to finger paint and I want you to do it with me" she said.
I nodded and grabbed her hand as she pulled me, guess I was going to slow.
"Miss. y/n, I got my Daddy with me" Bella announced.
"Hello I'm y/n, nice to meet you" the beauty smiled.
"Justin, the pleasure is all mine" I said smoothly.
She's like a chocolate goddess, skin so smooth, beauty so real.
She handed every kid a white sheet of paper and let them pick which color paint.
"You sweetie?" She asked to Bella.
"Gold! Then Daddy can have purple!" She exclaimed.
Y/n nodded and looked up at me for confirmation. I smiled and she poured it onto the tray separating them.
"Thank you" Bella chirped and eagerly placed her hand in it.
I followed her and planted my large hands in the paint before pressing down on the paper. Bella waited for mine to dry before putting hers on top of mine. I got a sharpie and wrote "Daddy & Me" along with the date. I love these small moments.
All of them went to the bathroom to scrub there hands and one by one the parents came to pick them up.
I helped y/n return all the stuff to her car then offered a gentle smile. She returned one as the door shut. Bella broke the silence,
"Miss. Y/n. I had so much fun! Thank you for letting Daddy have fun too" she attacked y/n's legs.
Wow! I didn't know Bella was getting attached to her like that. She is really starting to trust her.
"No problem, I'm see you next week" y/n cooed.
We waved bye as she drove off. My eight-twelve.
I love kids sometimes, especially the polite ones.
Question of the Day: Blonde or Brown Bieber?
Personally, I think that the blonde wasn't so bad, but just as I got used to it he changed it again. Thanks for reading! Hope you enjoyed.

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