🍋 Twenty-One 🍋

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A/N- I'm looking through the comments and DAYUM, YA'LL THIRSY AFTER FOURTEEN- Anyways, take it from Twenty, 18+. Minors, leave (I know you minors are still here, better erase that history while you're at it). Enjoy.

I led Elizabeth down an empty hallway, explaining where we are going.

"It's basically a storage place where no one goes unless we're boarding or unloading. It's probably the best place for privacy, taking that only staff know the way." Elizabeth nodded, intertwining her fingers with mine.

"Ooo, privacy~" She gawked, causing me to laugh.

"Yes, privacy." I replied, the thought swirling my mind. I saw the door leading into the area we were going and pushed it open, ushering Elizabeth inside. She stepped in the door, me following shortly after. I closed the door behind me, peering around the room.

There were tons of boxes and even a car in a corner. It caught Elizabeth's eye, pulling her in like a magnet. I followed her as she walked up to it, running her dainty hand across the exterior. I smiled, opening the car door and bowing like a gentleman.

"After you, my lady." I said formally. Elizabeth giggled, doing a courtesy and stepping inside the door. I closed it after her, walking up to the drivers side. I opened the door, pulling myself up into the seat. Closing the door, I peered into the back to see Elizabeth sitting fancily. I looked her up and down with my eyes, starting at her feet and slowly making my way up. Everything was just...

I cleared my throat, looking forward and playing with the steering wheel.

"Where's your destination, fair lady?" I asked fancily, earning a giggle. Goddamn..

"To the moon!" She cried, pointing upwards. I nodded, beeping the horn a few times. Elizabeth laughed, wrapping her arms around my shoulders. I laughed along with her, my already hot face becoming hotter.

Elizabeth suddenly stopped laughing and tried pulling me into the backseat. I subdued, crawling back there with her. She was staring at the ceiling, her head on my shoulder. Not really knowing what to do, I slowly inched my hand on her knee. I felt her shift, opening her legs a little. Dammit...

I felt Elizabeth sit up more, her warm breath on my neck. I shuddered, my heartbeat quickening. She clung to my arm as I slowly eased my hand up her thigh, her dress moving as I went. I felt her shudder, her legs spreading open even more. Elizabeth..

I ran my hand all the way up, the only thing in my way being her underwear. Elizabeth's nails dug into my arm, her breath on my neck quickening.

"..go ahead...do it.." I heard her whisper. I nodded, slipping my thumb underneath her pantie line. "Wait.."

I stopped, watching as she sat up. Elizabeth pulled up her dress, moving and sitting on my lap. Each of her legs were on either side of mine. I felt her ass on my upper thigh, her lower section against mine. She lifted my chin up, leaning down and kissing down my neck. I gulped, my arousal rising. I know Elizabeth could tell, the way her lips left a smile on my neck. Every touch, every touch left a trail, a tingle on my skin. It's a feeling I'll never get used to. I don't want to get used to it, I'll never.

I grabbed Elizabeth's hips, grinding them against mine as she sucked on my neck. I moaned slightly, catching myself off guard. Elizabeth pulled away from my neck, a string of saliva sticking to her bottom lip. I stared at her lips, wanting them on mine. As if she read my mind, Elizabeth smashed her lips against mine.

I pushed my right hand to her lower-lower back, pushing her deeper onto my hips while I moved my left hand to the back of her head. Our lips muffled each other's moans, the heat in the backseat rising rapidly. Her chest against mine, her heartbeat like a quick metronome.

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