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^^ The sunset was pretty last night, I had to take a picture and show y'all. I would say that is what I was visualizing when writing Meliodas setting out to find Zeldris and Esta

I sat at the wooden table, a small teacup in my hands. The hot leaf juice (Anne1q1111 reference 😏) burned my hands through the teacup's glass, causing me to switch my hands ever so often. Zeldris sat in front of me, a cup of tea in his hands. I was still trying to process the whole thing, Zeldris still being alive. Every time I look at him I feel my heart drop to my stomach and my throat get all dry, my eyes start to water. Probably because the last time I had seen him he was covered in blood.

Zeldris took a sip of his tea, clearing his throat. I looked up at him, Elizabeth doing the same. Mama Quinn was tapping her foot, Miguel standing awkwardly behind me.

"So, your tellin' me that your brother was alive this whole time?" Mama asked, getting Zeldris to nod.

"I've been looking for him all this time." He replied, a saddened expression clouding his face. "Every time I got remotely close, he would disappear."

I stared down at the tea in my hands. My reflection shined back in the hot herbal remedy. Elizabeth placed her hand on my shoulder, leaning towards my ear.

"Hey, it's okay. Go ahead.." She whispered, causing me to nod.

"Hey are you still alive..?" I asked, looking him in the eye. Zeldris set down his cup, folding his hands in his lap just like I taught him.

"Well, when you left I thought I was dying. I guess it just wasn't my time. I started gasping for air and it felt like I was falling. That's when I realized that I was in a bed. Turns out that there was a cabin nearby where Gelda lived. She took me in and nursed me back to heath." He explained, me slightly confused. Who was this Gelda woman?

"Honey, I'm sorry I disappeared like that! An-" I turned around to see a blonde woman, maybe 15-16. She had a little girl on her hip, playing with her plaited braid. The little girl's blue eyes gleamed once she saw me.

"Uncwl Mewi! Uncwl Mewi!" She exclaimed, sliding out of the woman's arms and running towards me. She had a blonde doll in her hands, a pink ribbon tied in its hair. I looked up at Zeldris with a confused and inferring look, but he shook his head.

"Adoption." Was all he said. The little girl climbed up into my lap, motioning towards the bow on her doll.

"Wook! Daddy tied this for me! Mommy got me the doll! She has the same bwue eyes wike me!" The little girl explained, pointing to certain things. I smiled weakly, not know what to say. They have a daughter? Is the blonde Gelda?

"And what's your name silly?" I asked, bopping her nose. She giggled, pointing to herself.

"I'm Anesthesia, but mommy and daddy call me Anne! Your Uncwl Mewiodas, that's what daddy towd me." Anesthesia explained, laughing. A genuine smile broke on my face, my heart feeling happy. Me and Anesthesia talked for a little more before the blonde picked her up and sat next to Zeldris.

"Sorry for not introducing you, this is Gelda and our adoptive daughter, Anne." Zeldris explained. Elizabeth nodded, a hand on her stomach. I felt Mama Quinn place her hand on the back of my chair.

"You know, I'm really happy for y'all, but we gotta split. We need to go to that cabin I've got before sundown." She said, Miguel walking towards the dining room doorway. Zeldris nodded, standing up.

"Okay. Do you want to visit me at Mr. Willburry's? We can see if you can apply for a job there." I nodded, standing up and grabbing Elizabeth's hand. Zeldris walked around the table, leading us back down the hallway and towards the front door. I waved goodbye to Anne as we walked out, Zeldris closing the door behind us. It took more than words to describe how I felt. I was happy, but at the same time I wasn't. I felt like should've known that he was alive. But now that I do know that Zel is alive, I feel relieved.

Elizabeth held onto my hand as we walked down the dirt path. The place we were headed reminded me of the mansion. It was on the edge of the forest, secluded from everyone else on a hill. Though, it was still a part of town. Shops and houses were below the hill, there lanterns glowing in the twilight. My heart fluttered at the sight of stars in the sky. Elizabeth always liked to stars. Maybe we can watch them for a bit tonight..

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