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I sat at my desk, tightening the screw on a clock. Zeldris had left long ago, leaving me behind. I had about two things to do before I left, but I didn't want to do them. Or, maybe I don't know how to and I'm afraid to admit it. I'll just leave it be until tomorrow.

I set the clock to the side, picking up my notepad. I jotted down the address to send it to and set it on the time teller. I stood up, wiping my hands on my shirt.

Walking over to the back room, I opened the door and switched off the light. Closing the door, I walked towards the front. I turned off the lights, grabbing the store keys and opening the front door. I stepped out, closing the glass door and locking it.

I whistled as I walked, shoving the keys in my pocket. I wonder what Elizabeth's up to right now. Probably sleeping, or eating more strawberries. I chuckled, smiling. Knowing Elizabeth, she'd probably be doing both.

I sighed, trudging up the hill. Did they forget? I told them, right? No, I doubt Mama Quinn would forget something like my birthday.

Beggining of month 2, 7 more to go. Or, about 32 more weeks. I held out my hands as I walked. I was trying to count, but I ended up examing my hands instead.

They weren't the old, soft and gentle ones anymore. They were calloused at the fingertips, dry and in need of some lotion. I bet that it's from working a lot. I shoved my hands in my pockets, quickly reaching the top of the hill.

"Geez.." I muttered, stepping up onto the porch. I opened the door, the smell of some type pastry wafting through the air.

I hurriedly stepped inside, closing the door behind me. I saw Mama Quinn and Elizabeth lighting candles on a cake. Zeldris was sitting with Gelda at the table, holding her hand. Anne ran up to me, tugging at my shirt.

"Mewi! Mewi is home!" She exclaimed, dragging me towards Elizabeth. I laughed, picking Anne up and hoisting her on my hip. Elizabeth smiled, kissing me.

"We weren't expecting you to be early." She stated. I nodded, bopping Anne's nose.

"I had to close the shop since Mr. Willburry wasn't there. That's why I had to leave early." I explained. She nodded, picking up the cake. It was one of Mama's chocolate cakes, the one she always does. There were strawberries, cut into thin slices and arranged a little like daisies. I followed Elizabeth over to the table, setting Anne down in her seat next to Gelda. Elizabeth set the cake in the middle of the table, sitting down next to Miguel. I sat down beside her, my eyes fixated on the candles.

Mama Quinn came around the table, giving everyone a plate and fork. Once she was done, she took her seat at the head of the table.

"Alright, on the count of three." She said. Everyone nodded, inhaling deeply.

"One, two, fwree!" Anne exclaimed. My eyes jotted around to everyone in the room as they began to sing.

Happy birthday to you,
Happy birthday to you!
Happy birthday dear Meliodas,
Happy birthday to you!

I smiled, my eyes watering. They didn't forget.

"Make a wish Mewi!" Anne shouted, pointing to the candles. I nodded, closing my eyes and sighing. After a few moments, I opened my eyes again and blew out the candles. Everyone clapped, Mama Quinn plucking out the candles and setting them to the side.

"What did you wish for?" Elizabeth whispered to me as Mama cut the cake. I shook my head.

"Tsk tsk, if I tell you it won't come true." I stated, thanking Mama Quinn for the cake as she set a slice on my plate. Elizabeth nodded, kissing my cheek.

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