10. Going Around Town

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November 6th, 1984

Richie and Karen just got back from Richie's eye exam getting the news that he'll be getting his glasses a week from today. Just in time when Richie is starting school. It was 2:30 once they got home. Richie began to head up towards his room wanting to relieve some stress before getting a tour of the town by having a cigarette.

Thirty minutes later Richie came down the stairs Holly immediately rushing over to her cousin. The older boy scooped her up and began to tickle her stomach making her let out a squeal. Karen watching the two from the couch a smile on her face.

Richie set her down as she ran off to grab some toys. Richie sat on the floor crossing his legs. Holly came running back with two dolls. A knight and a King. She handed the boy the knight.

"Oh Princess Holly, for what is the honor that I may serve you?" Richie said doing a Scottish accent.

"Sir. Ichie, you serve me and king, you fight with knight." Holly replied. Richie let out a laugh since Holly can't say his name yet. But he didn't mind she said it so cute.

He continued to play with Holly until Nancy came walking into the front door.

"Hey, Richie you ready to go?" He nodded starting to get up. He started to walk over to her. Until Holly clamped herself onto his calf.

"Ichie don't go, we not done playing." Holly said.

"Oh, little Holly Wally. I wished we didn't have to depart from each other, but sadly I must. But don't worry Sir. Richie shall come again and we shall continue once I return from my quest." He smiled down at her and she let go of his leg. Richie bent down and pulled her into a hug. She ran off and went over to Karen. He got back up but a wave of pain in his side.

"Anyway, Mom I was wondering if Jonathan could stay for dinner. Figured it is easier since Will will already be here."

"That's fine." The two start walking out the door as Karen shouted. "Have fun!"

"Bye Auntie!"

There was an old beat-up gray Ford Galaxie 500 which belonged to Jonathan Byers by the front yard. Richie got into the back which had Mike behind the driver that Richie didn't know, a kid with a bowl cut that Richie didn't know as well in the middle. While Nancy hoped in the seat that was in the front.

"Nancy, Cricket. You two better not be trying to fucking kidnap me or sell me off for drugs or some shit." Mike and Nancy let out a groan.

"No, this is my boyfriend Jonathan and that's his brother Will." 

"Ah, my mistake. It's pleasure to meet you, Willy Will, and Johnny Boy. Richie Tozier's the name and doing voices it's my game. Now, tallyho, this car isn't going to drive itself." The car began to move forward down the road.

"Hey Johnny Boy, do you mind turning on the radio?"

"Sure." He replied. Jonathan started playing with the radio until he stopped on Fat Bottom Girls by Queen.

(play song)

Richie began to tap his foot and drum his fingers on his leg. He began to rock his head up and down slightly to the beat. Humming to the words. A smile coming onto his face remember when Mr. Uris introduced Queen to him. Leading to Richie starting to learn to play guitar and piano. The losers all pitching it to get him their Sheer Heart Attack vinyl for his birthday last year.

"Queen fan Richie?" Jonathan asked.

"Is that even a question? They're my favorite band. They're even the reason I started to play guitar and piano I even got all of their records so far. You can't even imagine how fucking long it took me to get their Jazz album. My friends were absolutely sick of me with how much I was complaining that I couldn't find it."

"Oh, I remember you talking about you having their records when you were down here last time." Nancy let out a laugh. "I remember you basically dragged my Mom and Dad out to the record store to try and get their News of The World album. I remember you had to wait in line for hours cause it was the day it was released."

Richie began to smile from that memory. He can laugh thinking back to when he almost broke the record as soon he got it. Since he almost dropped it in the street.

"Oh yeah, that was great. I remember too I was even able to find the Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band album. That one also took me forever to get. I thought I was going to be like fucking eighty years old before I could get my hands on that vinyl."

"That's really cool Richie. How long have you been collecting records?" Will asked. Mike rolls his eyes at the fact that his friend was interacting with his cousin.

"Oh god, I don't even remember I think I probably was about maybe nine or ten years old when I got my first record, and if I remember correctly that was Led Zeppelin's album House of The Holy. Then I just started to save up my money and got them. Now real question William what's your favorite band?"

"Oh um." He began to stumble over his words. Looking at Jonathan for help.

"He likes The Clash and his favorite song of theirs is Should I Stay Or Should I Go." Jonathan explained for his brother.

"You've got good taste, Will. You know my friend Bill's Dad getting rid of some of his records and I pretty sure he's got some of their vinyl. I'll check and see if you can have them."

"Richie you don't need to do that." Will protested.

"No, no, no it's all good but you might need to suck his Dad's dick to get them though." Mike gagged from Richie's words.

"You really had to ruin the moment." Will asked through a laugh Jonathan and Nancy joining in.

Author's note

Hello, my flowerboys! How are you guys today hope you like this chapter? I also think that Queen just kind of fits Richie's personality. Anyway, I kind of wanted to do this and kind of start building a relationship between Richie, Will, and Jonathan. Anyway, what's your guy's favorite band? If you couldn't tell mine is Queen and The Beatles. Anyway, losers I'll see you on Friday. Bye, my flowerboys.

𝐖𝐞𝐥𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐞 𝐭𝐨 𝐇𝐚𝐰𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐬 𝐋𝐨𝐬𝐞𝐫Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora