19. First Kill

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December 15, 1984

After Nancy going off on Richie for making Karen worried sick they finally were back at the Wheelers. To be honest Richie was terrified considering he doesn't know how Karen will react to him leaving the house.

Richie and his two cousins ran quickly from the car to the front door trying to avoid the rain. But Richie was stopped as his Aunt ran out tackling him in a hug. Richie cringing from the physical contact. However, that shortly was replaced by pain as she grabbed him by the ear and pulling his lanky body into the house.

"Where were you? You had me worried sick." Karen asked through gritted teeth.

"It doesn't matter okay. I'm back now." He replied not wanting to think about those flashbacks he had at that lab.

"Richie that's not good enough. What if I didn't know you were gone. Who would have known what could have happened to you."

"Well, I don't know what to fucking tell you then." This caught everyone by surprise especially Karen. Nancy and Mike know their cousin curses all the time even with teachers. But never does he cuss in front of their mother. Nancy worried what did he really see out in those woods tonight? Cause she for hell knows he didn't just see a homeless man.

"Richie don't use that language with me." Richie balled his hand into a fist. Looking towards the ground, his body trembling. The silence was cut off sharply as the phone rung rapidly the rhythm pounding in Richie's head. Nancy moved slowly towards the phone Karen still boiling.

"Hello." Nancy asked into the phone, nodding slightly. "It's for Richie."

"Your friend Eddie's been calling. Nancy tell him Richie will call him back." Richie whipped his head up. Worried something happened to Stanley.

"Fuck that shit." He said quickly and grabbed the phone from his cousin's hands, placing it against his ear.

"Hello. Eduardo that you?" Sobs played loudly from the other end.

"R-r-ri-Richie." Eddie said almost inaudible from his sobs.

"Ed's? Eddie, what's wrong?" Panic filling his body and his hands beginning to shake. While the blood pumped loudly in his head.

"H-he's g-g-gone. S-s-s-Stan's g-g-gone. He k-k-killed h-h-himself." Richie's body stiffened.

"No?" The phone dropped out of the teen's hands clattering loudly against the wall. Causing all heads to turn. Richie couldn't hold it in anymore. Tears streamed out of his eyes hitting his fist against the walls.

Mike didn't know how to react to his cousins at the moment. He's never showed his emotions. Even when his own father had him at gunpoint, then ended up doing suicide in the end. Not even crying after he was confirmed dead.

"Richie, what's wrong? Please talk to me." Richie backed away from her avoiding any contact with her. "Nancy asked Eddie what happened now." She commanded, desperately wanting to help her sister's son.

"I'm sorry. I really am sorry." She replied into the phone then quickly setting it down. "Well?" Karen asked. Nancy looked at Richie, feeling like she was about to cry as well. "Stanley killed himself." Karen's eyes widened she tried to bring her nephew towards her but he ran.

Richie started to run for the door ignoring Nancy and Karen's pleads. As the door was opened the wind whipped wildly around Richie's body. His hawaiian shirt flapping around. The rain drumming along the pavement.

Richie didn't feel his legs moving, only the noise from his sneakers hitting the slippery rubble of the concrete.

"Richie, Richie!" His Aunt shouted as she ran for her car. The tears spilled even faster as the rain mixed with the salt. His breath growing weaker by the second. He turned his head slightly. Karen behind him already causing his feet to beat faster against the ground. He needed to get away fast.

So he turned off the road turning behind someone's house. Stopping to catch his breath. He closed his eyes. Just wanting to be gone. He began to concentrate taking deep breaths.

In and out, in and out

Richie repeated in his head. He felt like dust. Then whole once again as tree branches began to nick at his skin. He opened his eyes slowly. He now was at the woods.

He did it. He transported somewhere far. But that celebration didn't last long. He collapsed no being use to using this much power in a long time. He took a heavy breath in. Blood dripped out if his nose dripping onto his shirt.

Tears still dripped on his cheeks. Richie's silently sobbed then let out a scream.

This is just the beginning.


Author's note

Y'all watched Dead Poets Society for the first time and I'm still crying.

Also Ik this chapter is probably trash

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