11. Dinner

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November 6th, 1984

Richie, Mike, Will, Nancy, and Jonathan had just arrived back at the Wheelers house for dinner. Dustin, Lucas, and Max coming only five minutes after. The rest of the party introducing themselves to Richie.

"Dinners ready." Karen shouted from the kitchen. Richie then draped his arms around Dustin and Will's shoulders and kicked out his right leg.

"Now! Pip pip and tallyho my good fellows! Onward!" Richie said in a british accent. Dustin let out a giggle and Mike let out a quiet groan as everyone sat down for dinner.


After a while of silence expect the sound of food being chewed, Will asked the older teen a question.

"So Richie what was Derry like?" Will asked, even though it was quiet it was still able to be heard. Richie looked bewildered by the question.

"Well, it's a horrible fuc-I mean a horrible flipping town. It's quite a boring town actually, nothing to do. The only thing that happened in the last-." Richie stopped and took a breath through his nose. "-27 years was a guy named Henry Bowers went on a murder spree." Everyone stopped eating even Ted.

"Did they catch him?" Max asked with a worried look.

"Well yeah, but of course after everyone was dead. It all started when my friend Bills little brother G-Georgie went missing." Richie's eyes were becoming glossy reliving memory's in his head. "After only a week of looking the police just announced that he was dead, just like all of the other kids that went missing."

The party plus Jonathan and Nancy all looked at each other like they knew what happened to Georgie.

"But luckily, the police discovered Henry's dad dead with a stab wound then found Henry in the sewers with all of the other missing kids. All dead including Bill's brother." Richie finished then wiping his eyes with the back of his hand as he was explaining the 'truth' to those who sat around him.

"So Richie do you have friends, down in Derry?" Nancy asked. That seemed to bring a smile to Richie's face.

"Oh well, the losers and I are quite the group." Richie let out a small laugh.

"You call your friends losers'?" Lucas asked with a puzzled look on his face.

"Well you see, everyone in our school calls my friends and I losers, so I guess the name just stuck. So we call ourselves The Losers Club." Richie said with a giggle. Mike rolled his eyes since he thinks Richie's acting like a child. "I got pictures if you guys want to see?"

"Of course, you can." Karen said with a smile. Richie got up and went to grab the envelope the losers gave him. Richie took his seat again and took photos out.
The first photo was of the losers minus Beverly and they were at the quarry. Richie held out the photo so everyone could see.

"Now this boy right here is Stan the Man. He's a Jew a real perfectionist. I don't think the entire time I've known him I've seen a wrinkle in his shirt. And you want to know he does for fun?" Richie asked. "He fuc-watches birds for fun!" Max let out a laugh.

"Sounds boring." Lucas claimed.

"Oh he is, but he's my best friend. Now the guy right next to him is Big Bill. He's got a mad stutter, but always super creative. He plans on coming an author and I know he will for sure." Richie let out a small laugh. "The chunk man in front is Haystack. Or as most people call him Ben or Benny boy. He's super sweet, enjoys poetry, and god I can't believe that he goes to the library. On purpose too!" Everyone let out a laugh besides Ted, Dustin, and Mike.

"Well, actually the library can be very fun and interesting." Dustin commented.

Richie let out a howl. "Nerd alert. Anyway of course next to him is yours truly you." Richie gestured to himself. "And next to me is none other than my Eddie spaghetti. He's a big germaphobe. I bet if he were here right now he could tell me about 50 reasons how I could get sick from just sitting here." Richie laughed at that. "Then lastly, but certainly not least is Mikey boy. He's just the sweetest person in the entire world, if your around him there's no way you're not smiling." Richie passed the photo around letting everyone see but then let out a gasp.

"That one doesn't have my friend Beverly in it one sec." Richie then started looking through the photos. "This one's actually from last summer while she was visiting Derry. And you can say Bev and I are a little wilder than the others. You know now that I think about it Max your just like Bev you too would be great friends."

Richie then passed around the photo of him and Beverly in their underwear standing by a record player with cigarettes in between their fingers and sunglasses on their faces, they were dancing. All of the boys and Max started blushing besides Will and Nancy when the photo was passed towards them.


After dinner, everyone began to leave their plates seeing that it was Nancy's turn to do the dishes. But Richie started to grab both Holly and his plate.

"Oh, Richie no need to do that it's Nancy's turn to do the dishes."

"Oh no, it's fine. I can do them tonight. It's the least I could do with everything you guys are doing for me." He replied starting to take Mike's plate. Karen replied with a smile.


Richie was washing the last plate when he heard a faint whisper of a familiar voice.

Beep Beep Richie

He froze the plate was still in his hands as he slowly turned his body and saw a red balloon with bright writing on it.

I ❤️ Hawkins.

Richie felt something leave his hands then heard a crash. He looked down seeing that it was the plate that was once in his hands moments ago. He backed up a little bit tripped and fell over the bath mat.

Richie's body began to shake as memories were filling his mind from home both of his parents and It. He remembers he was washing the dishes and accidentally dropped one and it broke. That was the first time Wentworth actually broke one of Richie's bones.

Karen came into the kitchen trying to see what the cause of the noise was. The party standing there to see as well. She saw the broken plate and began to say things to Richie. But he didn't register any of it in the panic state he was in right now. She came up to Richie and started moving her hand. Richie's breath picked up and he started moving into the corner. He knew what was coming next, she was about to hit him. He grabbed at his hair pulling slightly.

"Please don't hit me! Please don't hit me. Please!" Richie started to beg.


Author's note

Hello, my flowerboys! I'm really sorry I didn't post last Friday I've been really stressed lately and my anxiety has been really bad. I'm sorry I didn't post but after I post the chapter for this Friday I'm going to just take a break for JUST next WEEK. But I will try and work on the chapters. But I just need a slight break from posting new chapters. Also, I know most of the chapters have been a new day but I promise after the next chapter or two it will change to weeks or days after Anyway, losers I'll see you Friday. I love you my flowerboys!

Also thank you all for those who are reading for 200 reads!

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