27. The Void

911 35 62

December 19, 1984

Eleven and Richie sat in front of the tv both sitting with their legs crossed. Mike crouching in front of Eleven.

Mike began to whisper towards her. "Promise me if something is wrong or just doesn't feel right you'll get out of there. Don't worry about him just get out of there I can't lose you again."

She shakes her head. "You won't lose me, Mike." She smiles softly. Richie and Will sat still hearing this. Richie noticing Will's head laying low. Richie felt bad for him. He can tell that Will has a crush on his younger cousin. He knows how hard it is to love your best friend. And just watch them fall for someone else (and being straight)

Richie bites the inside of his cheek remembering how hard it was for him to watch as Eddie dated Myra during their freshman and sophomore year of high school.

The scrawny teen was interrupted from his thoughts as the chief walked towards him with a cloth, handing it to him. "Thanks." He says as he starts to tie it around his head, sliding it over his eyes. He reaches for El's hand, then squeezing it. "Ready El?"

She begins to mumble. "Yes." Richie then squeezes his eyes tightly together.


Richie opens go eyes seeing he was still in Hopper's cabin only Eleven stood in front of him. "Can they hear us? I thought we were looking at the lab?"He asked her.

Eleven began to look around. "Not right now, well I need to ask you something first." Richie was slightly confused.

"What is it?"

"I saw you this morning." Richie's eyebrows begin to furrow. Then his eyes dilated remembering he felt that someone was watching him.

"You're the one who was in my room today. You saw me." He trails off but Eleven quickly nods.

"Why were you cutting yourself?"

Tears start to form in the boy's eyes. "My friend Stanley, h-he had killed himself."

Eleven tilted her head slightly. "Why?"

Richie starts to shake his head. "I think it's because of Pennywise. And it's all my fault." Richie begins to cry. Eleven's eyes widened but she started to walk over to him wrapping her arms around the lanky boy.

He was slightly confused but he then started to wrap his arms around her.


The room was silent as the group watched Richie and Eleven look for Pennywise's hideout. But all of a sudden Richie started to cry causing everyone's head to shoot up.

Then the two on the floor began to wrap their arms around each other. Mike began to tighten his fist, becoming jealous of his cousin getting affection from his girlfriend.


Eleven and Richie pull apart but now water was lapping over their feet. Causing Richie to slip and fall onto his back. Making the pair laugh. Once they get their composer they look around them realizing that they're at the lab.

Eleven helps Richie up and they both start to make their way towards the lab. But they saw something squatting over something. It turns causing Richie to yelp. The creature was Pennywise hovering over Troy's body.

Richie begins to shout at It. "You motherfucker!"  

The monster starts to wave at the pair its bottom lip quivering. "Hiya there!"

Elena starts to raise her hand. But Richie tries to stop her. "El I don't think it's going to work here. Don't waste your energy." But it was to late she already had her hand raised towards Its chest.

Richie starts to grab at his chest feeling a horrible sting. Then it starts to get worse causing the teenager to let out a blood-curdling scream.


Everyone in Hopper's cabin listened as Eleven and Richie talked to each other in the void. Until Richie started to grab at his chest and blood started to stream out of his nostrils and ears. Then he scared everyone in the room as he let out loud scream then he fell backwards onto his back.

El quickly ripped off her blindfold and Nancy rushed to the floor as Richie twitched and thrashed around.

Jonathan jumps to Nancy's side. "Richie! Richie, can you hear me?" He only screams in response.

"HELP ME!" He manages to stutter out through clenched teeth.

"Richie we're here snap out of it!" Nancy shouts again, her eyes starting to gloss over. Richie let out a squeak then ripped his blindfold off. He was breathing heavily until he fell unconscious.


Author's note

I really want coffee right now 😩

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