12. Is Panicking Normal

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November 6th, 1984


"Please don't hit me! Please don't hit me. Please!" Richie started to beg.


Karen's eyes began to widen at her nephew's words. She began to approach Richie slowly and bend down. He began to hyperventilate at her movement.

"Mom, what's going on?" Nancy asked as she and Jonathan walked towards the party. Who still watched the two with intense eyes.

"I'll explain later, just let me calm him down." She now was on the ground, Richie shaking his head slightly. Karen started to move her hand slowly. The teen in front of her began to raise his forearms, his jacket sleeves rolling down slightly. Exposing the many bruises and scars that littered his arms. Tears starting to fall out of his eyes.

"Please don't." Richie croaked out.

"Hey, hey Richie look at me." This caught the boy's attention. "It's me. Your Aunt Karen. I'm not going to hurt you." She said softly. Startling her two children that watched. Never hearing this soft of a tone from their mother. Richie started to lower his arms slowly, still not knowing what to do. He looked at her with scared cloudy eyes.

"Just breath in and out. Here try and copy my breathing." She began to reach for his hands. Him jumping back from her touch. "Hey, it's alright. You can trust me." She tried to reach for his hands again. She grasped them he jumped slightly but he didn't let go.

Richie started to try and match the older woman's breathing. After a few deep breaths and Karen saying soothing words. Richie's breath evened out. Once Karen knew he was okay she grabbed him into a bone-crushing hug. He hugged back almost instantly.

"I'm so sorry." He said quietly.

"It's alright Richie. There's nothing you need to be sorry about. I'm just glad you're okay." Karen replied then setting a kiss onto her nephew's head.

Richie smiled softly from this affection that he doesn't receive often from adults. They both got up off the floor but that doesn't stop Karen from grabbing Richie into another hug. They pulled after a few seconds and Richie turned towards the party plus Jonathan and Nancy. All of them making an 'o' shape with their mouths.

Richie began to walk over to them burying his hands into his jean pockets.  "Well, I suppose you know my secret." He laughed awkwardly. "I'm sorry I didn't tell you guys sooner I just wanted to tell you when I was ready." Karen then walked about to them.

"Here Richie why don't you take them down to the basement to talk about this and explain a little bit more. I need to make a quick phone call."


Karen let out a heavy sigh as the kids walked down to the basement. She walked to the phone and dialed the number of Richie's psychiatrist. After three short rings, a lady answered.

"Good evening Dr. Swelter's office. How may I help you?" She asked.

"Hi, this is Karen Wheeler I'm calling on behalf of my nephew Richard Tozier."

"Oh yes, Mrs. Wheeler I was told you might be calling in. I'll have you transferred over to Dr. Sewlter. Just give me one moment." After what felt like ten long minutes of being on hold she heard Dr. Sewlter's cool voice.

"Hello, Mrs. Wheeler. I wasn't expecting you to call so soon. Is everything alright with Richie?"

"Well, not really. I'm not exactly sure how it happened but I believe that Richie had a panic attack."

"Oh, well what exactly happened?"

"It was after dinner he was washing the dishes and I heard one of the plates break. So I went to go see if he was alright. He was on the ground he looked terrified. I went to help him up. But he started to panic asking for me not to hit him. He then started to hyperventilate."

"How long did it last?"

"Maybe five minutes or so."

"Well from the sound of it he was having a mini panic attack. Which we call an anxiety attack."

"Do you have any idea how it could have been triggered?"

"Honestly I wouldn't be able to tell you.  Considering he has PTSD you don't know what will cause an attack. It can happen if he's reminded of a certain surrounding all the way to just smelling something. And now that people know what his parents have done, things possibly will get worse. It also definitely get worse if his parents win the trial."

"Well, what can I do for him for the time being?"

"Well, the first thing is you need to understand is something you might experience with him. He will probably have more attacks but he's might have flashbacks as well, he will definitely have night terrors, and he also might have insomnia. But the best thing to do for him is to make sure he takes his pills at breakfast and dinner. Also, make sure he's taking his pills for his depression well. I don't want him to become suicidal again. And just be supportive and be patient with him. The best thing is to go at his own pace."

"Alright, what should I do if he does have another attack."

"Do what you did it this time. Cause whatever you did calmed him down very fast."

"Okay thank you so much for talking with me Dr. Sewlter."

"Of course you have a good night. Tell Richie if he needs to talk my phone is always open."

"Thank, goodbye."


Author's note

Hello, my flowerboys! Sorry that this is posted so late my wifi went out today. Anyway, losers sorry this chapter is a little shorter than normal but I hoped you liked it. Also, remember I'm going to be taking a break next week from posting new chapters. Goodbye, my flowerboys. See you soon!

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