32. It's Finally Happening

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December 21, 1984

Ben and Beverly fall to the grown Ben hovering over Beverly, Beverly cupping Ben's face, causing blood to go slightly onto his skin. "January embers." She whispers more to herself than to him.

"My heart burns there too." He answers back.

"It was you." They both begin to lean their lips towards each other but they stop as they both hear a giggle.


"Next time we'll just go with regular scary!" Eddie shouts towards Richie as they ran away from the three sets of doors.

"Next time?" Richie retorts back. The two boys run back towards where they came from, both breathing heavily. They ran skidding across the rubble as they saw Pennywise's jaw extended showing off his jagged sharp teeth. Dustin cowering in fear in Its grasp. Hopper and Nancy both pointing guns towards It. Ben and Beverly running towards the group hand in hand. Beverly completely stained red.

Richie's ears perk up hearing footsteps behind them. He turns as Steve stops suddenly behind the two of them. He gasps seeing Dustin. Richie looks towards the ground finding a rock. Quickly throwing it at the side of Pennywise's face. The losers immediately know it's their trashmouth, only he has that great of an aim. It whips his head towards the direction of where the rock was thrown.

"HEY FUCK FACE!" Richie screams ready to use his powers as It throws Dustin making him fall at Lucas and Mike's (w) feet. "You want to play truth or dare? Here's a truth you're a sloppy bitch! Yeah, that's right. Let's dance, yippee ki-yay, motherfu-." Richie's eyes gloss over, his knees starting to buckle. Blood slowly starting to fall from his nose floating upwards. Slowly making his way up towards the sky.

Steve grasp his bat in his hands looking at the nailed covered wood then up towards the clown. He runs throwing his bat right into the clown's mouth. It becomes stunned making him fall backward falling onto a black spike. Making him lose control of their friend causing him to thump to the ground.

"Holy shit." Eddie mumbles as he runs to Richie. Eddie starts to shake Richie's shoulders. "Richie, come on." Richie starts to flutter his eyes making excitement go through Eddie's body. "Yeah! There he is! Hey, Richie, I think Steve killed It." This sentence makes Richie's eyes go wide. Richie quickly grabs onto Eddie's waist causing Eddie to let out a squeak.

Richie tightly closes his eyes teleporting the two towards Nancy and Jonathan. Richie lets out a breath seeing Its arm hit nothing but rock. Eddie gasps. "Y-you, saved me!"

Pennywise cranes his neck around his eyes beading. He looks around hoping to find fear. His eyes immediately land on Will. It grins finding his new objective. It slowly forms into a big shadow of a monster.

Will freezes his breath getting stuck in his throat. The party turns towards him knowing very well what's going on. "Will, don't show him fear. It will only make it worse." Mike (h) says.

"Easy for you to say you guys already faced him before!" Lucas says through gritted teeth. They all freeze as they hear Will start to fight back.

"I'm not afraid of you! You're just a stupid bully of a clown." Jonathan smiles seeing his little brother fight back. The shadow monster freezes but what looks to be a grin comes onto his face.

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