75. Vecna's Next Victim

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March 25, 1986

Richie ran from Max's trailer and down toward one of the neighbor's RVs. Beverly's hand in his as they followed behind the others. They were currently attempting to steal a vehicle in order to get to the War Zone. They needed weapons, it was the best chance of getting rid of Vecna, once and for all. "Eddie really is living up to the freak nickname." He whispered into the redhead's ear. Both of their eyes trailed to Eddie whose face was being shielded by Max's old Micheal Myers mask.

She held up a finger toward her lips, making sure he states quietly. "We'll discuss this later, Trashmouth." Everyone trailed behind Eddie as he was looking for a way in. Luckily, the back window was unlocked. Allowing them complete access to the inside.

Without even thinking, Eddie jumped on the balls of his feet, his hands on the window seal. He jumped only once before his upper body was inside of the vehicle. "Fuck." He whispered yelled. Steve had pushed on Eddie's feet to get him inside more quickly, but this only made his nose slam hard onto the couch he was on.

He shaked his head before ripping the rubber mask from his face, taking in a quick breath. "Well, that was suffocating." He rolled his neck, allowing it to crack. He raced toward the front of the RV, locking the front door, making sure nobody would be able to get inside.

He sat himself down in the driver seat, and opened up his bag, showing off his many tools. "Where the hell did you learn to do this?" Steve questioned as he watched Eddie quickly but very delicately rework the wires of the car.

The metalhead chuckled, in almost an undermining way. "The other dads were teaching their kids how to fish and play ball, my old man, he was teaching me how to hot-wire. Now, I always, always swore to myself I wouldn't wind up like him, but now I'm wanted for murder. And soon, grand theft auto."

Richie chuckled, taking in what his friend was saying. "Me and you both." He whispered it fairly quietly. He was mostly joking to make sure the people in this car would forget what had just happened not even an hour ago. He couldn't stop thinking about that panic state he was in.

"So yeah, I'm really living up to that Munson name, huh." He flicked the frayed wire against one another once more before he was interrupted again, only this time by Robin.

"Eddie, I'm not so sure that I love the idea of you driving."

"You do fucking suck, Munson."

Eddie scuffed, rolling his eyes at his friend's comment. "Oh, well I'm just starting this sucker. Harrington's got her. Don't you big boy?" A wild grin was wide on the long-haired man as he shoved his head into Steve's personal space. He turned back forward once more, flicking it again the engine roaring to life and the music blasting through the speakers.

All heads turned as they began to hear banging on the front door, the faces of the owners didn't look happy. "OPEN THE DOOR! HEY?"

"Fuck, they locked the door!"

Richie looked at the screaming adults and then back around the kids sprawled across the chairs. "Buckle your seatbelts, kids. This is about to be one hell of a fucking ride." Richie joked once again, hoping to not keep thinking of the anxiety he felt only an hour before.

Eddie patted the younger man's shoulder, chuckling childishly as he tugged Richie down at the table, sitting beside Lucas, Robin, and Bill. "This is the fucking best." He joked, banging his head along to the music. The adrenaline was high as Steve was pressing hard on the gas pedal. Jerking everyone forward at the sudden and fast movement.

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