30. They Know

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December 21, 1984

Lucas, Max, Dustin, Will, Jonathan, and Steve sat in the basement as they meet the losers club. However, Richie sat quietly on the floor his elbows on his knees. This morning was hard for Richie having to talk to the losers club. He had to explain everything about the lab and his powers. Plus all of the shit the party has been through.

"I know El could hurt me if she fights It but I think it's best if she's there." Richie explains interrupting Lucas.

Eddie looks at him his face full of worry. "Chee."

Without warning, Richie jumps from the floor. "No, please she needs to be there."

"Richie, if Eleven manages to kill It or even just hurt It a lot worse than she did last time. We don't know what could happen to you, you could end up dying!" Nancy shouts at her cousin.

Richie throws a hand into the air. "No, I need her there if something were to happen to any of you. If something were to happen to me, I need her there to protect you guys!" Richie shouts back his eyes shifting towards Eddie.

Dustin intervenes before Nancy can say anything else. "Richie nothing will happen we all will be okay."

"You don't know that!"

"Richie you'll be alright we all will." Beverly says.

"No, you won't!" Richie shouts running a hand through his hair.

"How do you know that Richie?" Max asked puzzled.

Richie sat on the couch rubbing his eyes. "Because, because I've seen every one of us die."

Everyone looked bewildered as the sentence left Richie's mouth. "Richie I think it's time you tell us about the deadlights." Mike (h) says sitting beside him.

"Somethings are blurry but when I got caught in them I only saw us but older just like this even you guys were there." Richie says pointing at the party. "There was this turtle guy he told me we needed to kill it. That's all I saw when I got caught. But then I kept having these dreams it was about us and how we would die. I thought they were just nightmares until Stanley died. It's my fucking fault he's dead."

Mike (h) pulls Richie into a hug. "This isn't your fault Rich. None of this is." The losers start to wrap their arms around each other making it a group hug. The party lays back not wanting to ruin the moment.

Richie starts to talk into Mike's (h) shoulder. "Please let Eleven come." It coming out muffled.

"Alright, Richie but she can't use her powers unless it's completely necessary. I don't want you getting hurt." Nancy says.


Everyone stepped out of the car heading into the chief's house. As soon as Richie steps in he begins to explain the plan to Hopper and Eleven. "Are you sure kid you remember what happened last time?"

"I am sure chief. Now let's kill the son of a bitch once and for all." This causes both Bill and Eddie to smirk. "Why Ed's are you smirking for me?" Richie remarks.

"Shut up Richie."

"That's not what your mom said last night. Mm god that sex last night was so good." This causes Mike (w) to gag and Eleven asking what sex was which makes Hopper glare at Richie.

Eddie shouts being annoyed. "Beep beep Richie!" Richie immediately stops chuckling at his joke. His mouth starts to go dry and his heart quickening inside of his chest.

Images of the clown enter his mind. Along with him being in the lab. "No, why now." Richie whispers to himself. He falls to the ground pulling at his hair.

Things start to fly around the room. This will happen sometimes when Richie has a panic attack he can't always control his powers. Eddie and Beverly squat in front of him. "Richie, what's going on?"

"This happened a few months back our Mom said he was having a panic attack." Mike (w) explains.

Eddie starts and trying to help him calm down. "Richie just breath your okay, everything is fine." Richie turns his head slightly then he nods his head a little. "Okay, that's good just match my breathing okay."


Everyone crowded around Richie. "What was that Richie?" Nancy asked for the third time.

Finally, Richie has enough of the questioning. "Alright you guys want to know so fucking badly I have PTSD and depression."

"What why didn't you tell us?" Beverly shouts.

"Because I didn't want you guys to think I was weak. I mean I got fucking PTSD from that bitch clown. It's so stupid!"

"Richie we've all were affected by It. You've helped all of us when we needed help because of It now it's our turn to help you." Ben says bringing Richie into a hug.

"R-r-Richie we d-dont have to do this t-t-today." Bill says

Richie shakes his head. "No, I want that bastard gone for fucking good."


Author's note

Okay, I got to say this Rachel from friends deserves Joey and he is so much better for her than Ross. 🐸

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