62. Unwanted Suprise

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December 15, 1986

Richie laid on his side, looking out his bedroom window, he's been watching the birds and cars pass by for a few hours now, his Eddie My Love mixtape playing loudly in his ears. It was his day off today, he promised he would clean up his room, but he didn't have the energy for it, even if his room was a complete mess, he really didn't care anymore.

Richie heard Karen calling for him, letting him know dinner was ready, but he didn't want to leave his room. He decided to ignore her, hoping she would think he was asleep. He slowly sat up in his bed, leaning his back against his wall, grabbing one of the joints Eddie had given him and lighting it. Eventually, Karen seemed to give up on having him come down for dinner.

With a sigh, he let out a smoky breath, hoping the high he would soon feel would take away the sadness he was currently feeling.

January 5, 1986

Richie walked through the Wheeler's front door, and his Uncle and cousins sitting at the diner table. Karen walked into the room from the kitchen, holding two plates in her hands.

"Oh, Richie, I didn't realize you'd be off work already, come sit down for dinner."

He let out a deep breath through his nose, pushing on his glasses as they began to slide down the bridge of his nose. "I'm good. I'm not hungry." He didn't feel like eating, all he wanted to do was jump into his bed and read some comic books.

"I didn't ask," Karen commented, "now, sit down for dinner."

Richie rolled his eyes and stuck his hands into his pant pockets, taking a seat next to Nancy and Holly. Karen placed a plate in front of him, but he chose to ignore it, crossing his arms in front of his chest, leaning back slightly.

"Richie, please eat." Karen said with a sigh. She seemed tired and out of it. She wanted to help Richie, but he didn't allow her to.

"Like I've said, I'm not hungry."

"You should at least eat something."

"Yeah Rich, look at this!" Holly laughed as she stuck a spoonful of mashed potatoes into her mouth. Once she finished her bite she stuck her tongue out at him. "See, it isn't that bad!"

He gave her a really small smile, Holly didn't even notice. He patted her on the head as he stood from the table. "Richie, please sit back down."

"I'm fine, Karen, I don't want anything. Just let me go to my fucking room in peace." His face hardened slightly,  his jaw clenching.

"Don't use that tone with me." Karen stood from the table as well, Nancy mouthing at her cousin to stop.

"God, when will you stop telling me what to fucking do. I mean, you don't fucking do anything except tell me what to do all the time. You seem to ignore me and have Nancy do the work for you." Nancy's eyes widened, Karen's as well. Ted and Mike looked up from their plates, swallowing the food they had just eaten.

"That's because you don't ever talk to me. What happened when to the time when you first moved here? You were open, you weren't angry all the time. You came to me when you were upset. Now, all you ever do is lock yourself in your room or hang out with Eddie and get high.

𝐖𝐞𝐥𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐞 𝐭𝐨 𝐇𝐚𝐰𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐬 𝐋𝐨𝐬𝐞𝐫Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα