35. You're My Beautiful Boy

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Please read the author's note at the end of the chapter.


March 1, 1985

(play song now)

Eddie and Richie were laying on Richie's bed with their limbs tangled together while listening to a mixtape. The losers had left earlier that day while Eddie was staying a few extra days. The losers were going to stay a little longer but their all starting to prepare for college and trying to find jobs. Eddie started to play with Richie's hair while Richie had his arms wrapped around Eddie's waist.

"I love you, Eddie." Richie mumbled into Eddie's chest. Eddie couldn't help but smile and blush. Sure Richie tells him he loves him all the time. But it always makes Eddie's heart swell and he immediately becomes even happier than he already was before.

"I love you too Chee." Eddie then smoothed back some of Richie's hair and set a kiss on top of his head. Richie snuggled deeper into Eddie's side but then he slightly widened his eyes making him sit up. As he recognized what song was playing. It was Beautiful Boy by John Lennon

A grin started to make its way onto Richie's lip as he got up from the bed. He held his hand out towards Eddie.

"Care to dance?" Eddie started to shake his head and laugh as he grasped Richie's hand. Richie helped him off the bed and moved the both of them to the center of his room so there's more space for them. Richie started to turn the volume slightly up.

Eddie wrapped his arms around Richie's neck as Richie places his onto Eddie's hips. Richie and Eddie both started to sway together to the beat of the music. Richie bobbing his head slightly.

Richie started to smile remembering the times back in Derry when the two of them would spend hours on end listening to records and dancing wildly together until they had to stop until they almost would pass out.

"This reminds me of when we would listen to music in Derry." Eddie whispers thinking of the same memory Richie was. Richie laughs and nods.

"I was thinking the same thing." Richie leans in his eyes flicking towards Eddie's lips, setting his lips onto Eddie's. He pulls back setting his forehead to Eddie's. A huge smile on Richie's face. "I'm so lucky I have you." Richie says shyly his cheeks turning dark red.

"And I'm lucky I have you." Eddie gives Richie a quick peck. Richie brings Eddie closers to his body-hugging him.

They pull away from each other Richie grabbing onto Eddie's hand twirling him around in a circle.

"Chee!" Eddie laughs out making Richie smile yet again.

God, will this boy ever not make me smile? Richie thought knowing when he's around Eddie he seems like he's never not smiling. Eddie stops spinning but then he falls into Richie but Richie quickly catches him grabbing onto Eddie's elbows. Making both of the boys grin and laughs.

"You're so fucking clumsy." Richie says causing Eddie to hit Richie's shoulder.

"Oh, you're calling me clumsy? You're the fucking one who broke well over ten pairs of glasses a few years ago because you kept falling." Making Richie laugh as he starts to dance again. Richie indeed kept on tripping and even sometimes fall off of his bike.

Richie wraps his arms around Eddie's waist making him closer than before. Richie started to study Eddie's face. The way his lips were parted mouthing the song quietly. The freckles that were on his face. The beautiful brown eyes and he noticed how they would sparkle when the light hit them just right.

Richie started to notice how well Eddie's hair fitted him when his hair was messy and it wasn't smoothed back with hair gel.

"Eddie." Richie says causing Eddie to look up at Richie. Eddie studying his boyfriend's face. Asking him what was wrong. "This is probably going to sound really stupid but fuck it." Richie whispered. "You're beautiful. I guess you're my beautiful boy."

Eddie starts to blush profusely. Eddie thinks the next thing he's about to do is just a big gush of confidence. But he didn't care if it was just confidence. He grabs onto the front of Richie's shirt smashing his lips onto Richie's. Richie was rather shocked and staggers backward slightly. However, Richie starts to melt into the kiss bringing his hands into Eddie's slightly curly hair.

They both start to move towards Richie's bed quickly sitting down on the bed. The kisses were starting to grow rougher and rougher by the second. Richie slowly started to trail his lips down onto Eddie's neck then back up to his lips. Eddie started to move his hands down from Richie's neck down towards Richie's hips. Richie starts to move his hands slightly up Eddie's shirt but he stops right away when Eddie jumps slightly. Worry filled Richie's eyes he was scared he had gone too far.

"I'm sorry, do you want me to stop?" Richie asks. Eddie starts to shake his head.

"No, it's just your hands were cold." Eddie says laughing. He sets a hand onto Richie's cheek looking into his eyes. "I think I'm ready."


"I think I'm ready to go a little further than we usually do." Eddie whispers. "But only if you want to as well. Please don't feel pressured." Richie looks into Eddie's brown eyes. Without any hesitation, he starts to kiss him. But Eddie pulls back. "Chee we don't have to go a lot further but I uh."

"Let's see how it goes Eds." They both start to kiss again. Richie starts to shake off his jean jacket and his hawaiian shirt.

However, they hear Richie's door slamming open. Making both of the boys quickly pushing away from each other. Richie was scared he was sure he had locked the door. They both turn towards the door seeing Holly standing in the door frame.

She had looked confused. But then she started to yell for Karen. "MOMMY! MOMMY!" Holly bolts for the stairs.

Richie and Eddie looked horrified as everything started to set in. They both bolt off of the bed started to run out out of the room in hopes of catching Holly.

"HOLLY! Please come back here!" Richie yells running past Nancy's room.

Nancy came barging out of her room looking rather annoyed hearing all of this shouting. "What the hell is going on?"

Holly was extremely fast for a toddler she already was almost down the stairs. "MOMMY! I WA' ICHIE AND EDDIE KWISING!" Nancy's eyes widen as she too starts to shout for Holly to come back. The three teenagers ran down the stairs.

But they stop when they're in the living room seeing Holly starting to talk to Karen.

"What is it, honey?"

"I saw Ichie and Eddie kwising. It was nasty. How come you's and Daddy don't do that?" She said tilting her head to the side.


Author's note

Okay, so a few things lmao. Sorry this chapter is a little short and sorry for ending on sort of a cliffhanger I guess lol. Second, I am no longer doing a book two, hear me out. The second book was going to be about season 3 but I decided to just add that into this book. And lastly,


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